Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, May 2, 2011

A Really Great Tip!

For those of you who, like me, are trying free motion quilting please read Sweet P's great tip on a recent post.  You can find it here.  I can hardly wait to try this one!


1 Purple Pam said...

Paper towels for practice pieces. I never would have come up with that trick. I think it is a great idea. Thanks for sharing it.

2 Lori said...

Thanks so much for passing this tip along. I've tried the free motion thing and typically end up quite frustrated as it's not as nice as I would like. I'm going ot give this a try!
You should be receiving a package sometime this week. I finally mailed it Friday morning. Sorry for the delay. No excuses, just couldn't get my act together. :(

3 rubyslipperz1052 said...

That was a GREAT idea/tip! thanks for sharing! I sent the link on to several of my local quilt friends...


4 Yumm yumz by patticakes said...

I LOVE that tip! I have been avoiding practicing because I didn't want to waste quilt sandwiches - this idea has set me free! LOL

5 Michelle said...

I use paper towels a lot, when I am cleaning, oiling, and test sewing with orphan sewing machines. Saves on wasting that valuable fabric!

6 FabricFascination said...

Great tip! I have been thinking of doing a sewing tip post this week too. I've heard/read a couple of good ones.

7 EFT Therapy said...

Thanks for this tip. I'm having trouble with some of my stitchings as well. This is a great help.

8 Anxiety Cures said...

Very practical tips. And helpful.. I will try on the paper towel practice.

9 Sparky said...

I don't do machine quilting at all as you know...but perhaps when my fingers fall apart this would be a great thought...mmmm tyou..