Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

48 Years

How in the world did we get from here....

to here.....

I blinked, that's how.

I thank God today for this good man.


1 Carol said...

Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations! That is absolutely FANTASTIC! Happy! Happy Anniversary!

2 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Blessings on you and hubby for 48 years married, many you have many many more!

3 Barbara said...

Wow...48 years? You don't look old enough to have been married that long! Happy Anniversary!!!!

4 Rosa said...

Happy anniversary and many years to come!!

5 Susannah said...

Happy Anniversary! Loved the wedding picture! Blessing to both of you.

6 Kristi said...

Happy anniversary! Time does fly when you're having fun.

7 Jenny said...

Happy Anniversary!

8 paulette said...

Happy Anniversary!! Love the're still as pretty now as on your wedding day!
Love your blinking comment...ain't that the truth!!
Take care!

9 Anne said...

Happy Anniversary! I wish you both many more years of wedded bliss.

10 Terry said...

Happy Anniversary! :0)

11 Joyce said...

Congratulations, have a very happy day!

12 The Mayo Family said...

Sweet! May you be blessed with many many more!

13 Michelle said...

You are both beautiful, then and now. You have had a happy marriage, that is why it went so fast, and it was happy because you had God right in the middle! Happy Anniversary. Have a wonderful day, and many, many more years of wedded bliss!

14 molly said...

Looking good....Congratulations!

15 gpc said...

What a blessing! I am so happy for you.

16 Michele said...

So sweet. Have a terrific day!

17 Gill said...

Happy Anniversary to you both!

18 Vroomans' Quilts said...

Happy Anniverary to the both of you - lovely photos!

19 Jeanie said...

Congratulations on your 48th! May your next 48 years together be just as blessed as the first 48! :)

20 Createology said...

Happy Anniversary on 48 years together. That is quite the accomplishment. Blessings and many more years together...

21 Kathy MacKie said...

Happiest of Anniversary's, such a sweet couple and yes where does the time go but what a time, right!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your anniversary !!! Many more ! Izzy

23 Lois Evensen said...

How very sweet. What a wonderful tribute! Happy Anniversary. :)

24 Angie said...

Sweet--congratulations :)

25 barbara woods said...

congratulations and may you have many more

26 Carrie P. said...

Happy Anniversary! that is awesome. you two are a cute couple.

27 Terry@ a quilting blog said...

Happy Anniversary and many, many more!!!

28 Tracy P. said...

AW! Love it! Congratulations!

29 Brenda said...

May your day be bless! Happy anniversary!

30 Quiltgal said...

Congratulations on you anniversary and I an say truly that you both don't look old enough to be married 48 years.May the lord bless you with many more.

31 mary mahoo said...

Congratulations! We've hit 35 years this October. I like to say I've stuck with the starter marriage. LOL Many, many more years to you.

32 Belinda said...

Congratulations! You look marvelous!! Time has been kind to you, I can sure see that!

33 Judy1522 said...

Congratulations you both look as happy today as you did on your wedding day.

34 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Oh that is so beautiful!!!!!!
What a beautiful woman you are.

35 Marge said...

Congratulations! We have 48 years in 11 more days, the 18th. And sometimes it does seem like we just blinked! Many more happy years to you my friend!

36 Ray and Jeanne said...

Congratulations! It really is amazing how fast time goes! Celebrate! ~Jeanne

37 Jan said...

Congratulations. Look how many don't make it!
We're at 48, too.

38 Pokey said...

What a blessing, to get to have so many anniversaries with a Godly husband to walk it with! Wishing you joy in your continued walk ~

39 Laura Ann said...

congrats on 48 years!!! WOW!! Wishing you and your hubby many more years :)

40 Val said...

Happy Anniversary!!!! That is something to be very proud of!

41 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

A whol lotta love and blessings from above. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! Woo hoo!!!! :) :) :)
p.s. ya'll are still just as cute now as you were then. :)

42 Chris said...

Happy Anniversary! Nice to see your photo!

43 Lea and her Mustangs said...

48 years is awesome - On Friday (the 12th) we will have 55 years in. Happy happy anniversary.

44 Sharon Dawn said...

That is wonderful!! Congratulations to you both!

45 Linda said...

Thanks for the photo!! Congrats to your many years together! Love conquers all!

46 Gina Loomis said...

Congratulations! Happy Anniversary!

47 Julie Fukuda said...

Congratulations!!! Our 49th passed un-noticed. Maybe if I had such lovely pictures as yours.....

48 charlotte said...

Oh, congratulations. It makes my heart sing to hear of such long marriages. Love the wedding photo and you both look wonderful and happy now. Many more to you.

49 Dorian said...

Congratulations Marleen! What a wonderful thing to hear. There is way too much divorce,it's nice to see a couple together for so long. Happy anniversary!!

50 Josie McRazie said...

What a blessing every day! Happy anniversary!

51 evelyn said...

Congratulations to you both.

52 Sandy D said...

Happy Anniversary to you both

53 FlourishingPalms said...

You're looking great together. He's a very fortunate man, and you're just a doll. Congratulations!