Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I Seem To Have Passed Some Bizarre Threshhold

I should still be wearing these:

Or these:

Instead I'm wearing these:

What happens to your feet as you get older should be classified as cruel and unusual punishment.  :(

Looking for Leafs Me Happy?

Tuesday 9


1 Anita Rowe Stafford said...

I can totally relate! I love beautiful shoes, but alas, they no longer love me. Mobility trumps vanity!

2 Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

I completely understand!! I have a closet full of beautiful heels; and still buying them....but have sore feet everytime I where them!!!! Why do I get sore heels and blisters now?????

3 Vroomans' Quilts said...

Well, I could never where heels - but I wear mostly my slippers (home) or sandle type shoes

4 Linda said...

I consider high heels a form of punishment! I avoid them at all costs. In fact, I wear the prettiest sandals I can find almost all year (since it is warm here all year). When teaching school, I had a principal who required us to wear heels. I taught 2nd graders and wearing heels was torture when working with young children. Since I am no longer teaching, I am rebelling. No heels for me! The closest thing I come to it are the wedge type heels.

5 Teresa in Music City said...

I totally know what you mean! I developed plantar fasciitis in my left foot last year and have had to wear Burkenstocks ever since. They are comfortable, and I am grateful that they allow me to walk, which I was not able to do before I got them. But I feel like a bull in a china shop! Alas, there's nothing sexy about these shoes.

6 Needled Mom said...

I'll take comfort any day! Just looking at those heels make my feet hurt.

7 Anne said...

I hope you and your pampered feet have a great day! :-)

8 Susannah said...

Nothing sharp looking about Birkenstocks...but my feet feel wonderful in them. Gee, I love the pretty high heels they have now....well, it's a dream for me because I just wear "ugly" now. LOL!

9 Lois Evensen said...

I saw a young woman at the airport the other day. She was wearing spike heals so high that she could hardly walk. I can't imagine how terrible her feet must have felt. And, if she had to get anywhere in a hurry, she was out of luck. It's nice when we get old enough to outgrow youthful stupidity!

10 Kristi said...

I never wore such high heels--probably out of self-preservation. Shoes like that would probably have introduced me to crutches! Birkenstocks are fashionable, right?

11 Marge said...

And comfy shoes mean slacks for me. I never wear a skirt anymore! I'll take comfort over fashion any day!

12 Marge said...

And comfy shoes mean slacks for me. I never wear a skirt anymore! I'll take comfort over fashion any day!

13 Clothesline Club said...

The cruel and unusual punishment came while wearing "those" fashion statements. I am totally in love with my comfies or flip flops. After 5 foot surgeries I don't miss heals at all.

14 KatieQ said...

While I never wore heels as high and thin as the 2 pictures you shared, I wore heels everyday when I worked in NY City. I wore sneakers for my commute and changed at the office. I loved the sophisticated look of heels with my business suits. My feet breathed a sigh of relief when I became a nursery school teacher at a nature center and wore clogs or sneakers to work.

15 Lea and her Mustangs said...

I love high heels, the higher the better but alas, they hurt now. I tried wearing by red patent leather 3" heels to church Sunday and just before we left, off they came and on went my ballet slipper type shoes. Not the look I wanted but my feet didn't hurt. That makes me sad because I wore them for year every chance I got. Hope your day has been wonderful and your tomorrow blessed.

16 Julie Fukuda said...

I have never been able to wear high heels. With a mixed ethnic background, it is my feet that are native American and are happiest in moccasins or barefoot ... and they like Japan where the shoes are left in the entryway.

17 Auntie Em said...

Haven't you heard? After 40, fashion stops at the knees! LOL!