Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, October 26, 2012

It's Time For Girl's Weekend!

Every year some of my very best friends - old friends - very old friends - come for the weekend.  We graduated from high school together in 1964.  Gasoline was $.25 a gallon, McDonald's hamburgers were $.15 each, and we all wore wheat colored jeans and button down collar shirts every chance we got.  But not at school.  At school we were dresses or skirts, no pants.  Pants were forbidden.

We had so much fun then and we still do.  We might not look the same but we laugh the same!

Sometimes we act our age.

Sometimes we don't!

And today's the day we do it all again - I can't wait!


1 Tracy P. said...

How completely delightful! Have a great time!

2 Julie Fukuda said...

ENVY! I have no contact with even one classmate. It must be such great fun.

3 Michelle said...

Have the best time ever, but try to behave in public, ok?.....oh, ok! You can misbehave if you want to!

4 Marge said...

Have a wonderful weekend! I graduated in 61 so we had our big reunion last year. We had an absolutely wonderful time! Love those "old" friends!

5 Mrs. Goodneedle said...

What a terrific testament to long-term friendships. Enjoy your weekend, what a wonderful blessing for all of you!

6 Belinda said...

Ohh how I envy you and your friends. I know y'all are going to have a wonderful time together!!

7 Jeanie said...

I got to do this in August with my "old" friends. Have a wonderful time!

8 Michele said...

Absolutely terrific. And I love seeing ladies snuggling under comfy quilts. Enjoy your day.

My 3 sisters and I have sister weekends sometimes and we have one coming up in a few weeks. I can't wait. We are going to see Wicked.

9 Ray and Jeanne said...

What fun! 'Old' friends are the best! Enjoy your time together! ~Jeanne

10 Needled Mom said...

How fun!!!! Have a great time.

11 Anna said...

I love girlfriends...and I especially love girlfriend weekends! now...all a girl wants is to have fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Cherish those moments, my friends are all gone or moved. I lost one to cancer and the other to religion, the other one lives far away in the Southern hemisphere, one more in Finland and we have not seen each other in yrs..Enjoy it..

13 Sharon Dawn said...

It sounds fabulous!! I just returned from a Double Date Birthday Trip with my best friend from high school and our husbands. It is great to have friends who have memories of you in a younger body, but only see the "You" that is always there! Hope you have grins and giggles until you can't stay awake anymore!!

14 Lizzy said...

This sounds wonderful, you all will have a terrific time. By the way it looks like you all are still the hip gals you were in '64. My graduation year also..

15 molly said...

Sounds like lots of fun! And what a beautiful view of the lake from your deck!

16 Adrienne said...

What fun! You and I graduated the same year, my friend. Oh, what happy memories to share with our girlfriends!

17 Sparky said...

and sometimes it is nice to turn back time...have a delightful weekend and create is something we can always all look so happy...must be all that POP lol

18 Denise :) said...

Have a marvelous time!!! :)

19 Snoodles said...

What fun that must be! Enjoy your buddies!

20 Anita Rowe Stafford said...

I know this must have been a wonderful time together for all of you! Some of my happiest times are those times spent with my sister or my friends!