Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Everyone Knows....

That I'm not a good cook.  Really.  I'm a worse baker.  I have the best of intentions.  I get out all the ingredients.

I follow all the directions.

And even Banana Bread falls in the middle

And sticks to the bottom.

But finally, finally!  Today I made this beautiful Apple Walnut Cake!

It didn't fall in the middle.  It didn't stick to the bottom.  And it tasted so wonderful!

Want to make it?  It's Carrie's recipe over at A Passion for Applique.  Thanks Carrie.  You'll find the recipe here.


1 Michelle said...

Yum! Who cares if your baked goods fall? It's the taste that matters!

2 Lois Evensen said...

That looks really good. And, I agree with Michelle above. It doesn't matter how it looks, it will taste good. You'll do much worse to how it looks with your fork. ;)

3 Ray and Jeanne said...

This sounds wonderful and yours looks wonderful! As long as it tastes good, I'd never complain! Around our house, if you complain, you cook! ~Jeanne

4 Carrie P. said...

Whoo! HOO!!! glad it worked for you and you like it.

5 Tracy P. said...

So I finally had to ask my Facebook friends how to make zucchini bread that didn't stick to the pan. They said use parchment paper. It works! :-)

6 Purple Pam said...

What a beautiful apple walnut cake. It looks so good, too!

7 Kristi said...

You win some, you lose some, but your banana bread really doesn't look that bad. Wait till you read my blog post on Monday the 22nd--we recently had a cake pan explode into a million pieces in the oven! That cake was a total loss. Your banana bread looks like it was salvagable--and yummy, too. And the apple cake looks delicious, also!

8 Michele said...

Oh I'm so sorry that you struggle with baking so. That's no fun. I wish I could come visit and figure out what the problem is for you once and for all so that you could enjoy it.

9 Catherine said...

Congratulations! Your apple cake looks yummy!

10 VickiT said...

First, I just sent you an email.

Have you ever had your oven temp checked? Sometimes it might be hotter than it should be and cause some problems OR not as hot as it should be too. Either of those could cause baking problems like you have had. In my cake decorating class we were always told to bake all cakes 25 degrees lower than the recipe stated to assure a more level cake.

11 FlourishingPalms said...

Yay for you! It's great that you never, never give up. And how nice of Carrie to share her infallible recipe! Now if I liked walnuts, I might try it... but sorry no. It looks really good though!

12 Sharon Dawn said...

I have the same cooking talents. Thank goodness I don't have too many fussy eaters!

13 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

That cracks me up.
The cake looks yummy!

14 Grammy Staffy said...

I wish I were there to share a piece with you. We have apples and walnuts falling off our trees.... I guess I'd better get that recipe. I hope your hubby is over the kidney stone flare up. I can empathize . Have a good week. Hugs, Lura