Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Update on Mike

For those of you who have joined me in prayer for my brother-in-law, Mike, here is an update.

They were able to get in at The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota on Thursday.  Mike spent several hours being tested - not sure exactly what they were looking for - and then met with his doctor on Friday morning.  Friday afternoon about 5:00 they performed surgery.  If I understand correctly they went in near the corner of his eye and around behind it, putting a couple of holes in the sheath that contains the optic nerve.  Bear in mind here that I have no idea what I'm talking about so that explanation is bare bones!  This was done to relieve some of the pressure on the optic nerve.

No vision will be restored because of this surgery.  They were simply hoping to preserve what little vision he had left in that eye.  They came home yesterday.  Right now his eyelid is swollen shut from the surgery so it will be nearly a week before he knows if this worked.  It was experimental surgery and Mike was only the 7th person it had every been performed on.  But with no vision in the right eye and very little in the left he had no other options.  A couple of weeks ago his vision in that left eye was 20/20.  On Friday it was 20/2400.  He has no vision in the right eye at all.

Obviously he will be unable to work.  We're hoping that the paperwork goes smoothly for his disability application.

Your prayers were very much appreciated.  Please pray that as they continue to go forward on this journey they will be given strength when they need it, find joy in the outpouring of love they have experienced, and will hold steadfast to their faith.


1 Jan said...

Keeping Mike in my thoughts and prayers.

2 Ray and Jeanne said...

Mike, your sister, you are the rest of your family are in our prayers. We know this has to be very difficult for all of you. ~Jeanne

3 marie said...

Lots of prayers and thought being sent to Mike and his family.

4 Lois Evensen said...

Many prayers coming Mike's way.

5 Kristi said...

I had no idea this happened so suddenly. What a difficult time this must be for Mike and his family. I will keep them in my thoughts and prayers.

(If his sight does not return, at some point he might want to contact Guide Dogs for the Blind-- GDB provides guide dogs at no charge to the individual, and their dogs are wonderful!)

6 Michelle said...

Continuing to pray for Mike and his family. Hugs to you, my friend.

7 BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Thanks for the update. I'll continue to pray for Mike.

8 Marie Rayner said...

Lots of prayers being said on Mike's behalf. xxoo

9 Sandy D said...

I am thinking of Mike and thanks for the update. Prayers still being said for him.

10 Denise :) said...

Praying for Mike and the family. Particularly that the surgery will have been successful and that the disability paperwork will go through without a hitch. *hugs* :)

11 Belinda said...

I will join in helping pray for Mike and his family.

12 Marge said...

I live about 80 miles from Mayo, and know that if anyone can help, it will be the doctors at Mayo. They are the best. I will keep Mike, and the whole family, in my thoughts and prayers.

13 Gail said...

Mike and family in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there.

14 Grammy Staffy said...

I'm so sorry that there is not better news. How sad that this happened to his good eye. I am keeping him in my prayers. I know that prayers bring strength and comfort. Hugs, Lura

15 KatieQ said...

Mike and your sister are in my thoughts and prayers.

16 Jeanie said...

Yes, prayers will certainly continue. I'm so sorry that there isn't a more uplifting prognosis at this point. The sudden onset would be the hardest part for me to cope with.... no time to make adjustments, etc. I'm glad he's in good medical hands with the latest techniques. May God wrap His loving arms around all of you and give you comfort in this difficult time.

17 Carrie P. said...

so sorry to hear that news. will say a prayer for you all.

18 Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh he is in my thoughts and prayers. hugs

19 Michele said...

I'm so sorry to be reading this. I'll keep him and all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

20 Kelly said...

Sending prayers to your family.

21 Clothesline Club said...

Many prayers for all of you and that Mike may recieve God's love and strength to adjust to his new road of life.

22 Gmama Jane said...

Dearest Lord Jesus, wrap your loving healing arms around Mike and each family member. We pray for a miracle and for YOU to receive the Glory! I ask for this family to feel the love and power of prayers being lifted up to an Almighty God that has the power to heal and make Mike whole. Whatever Your divine will is in this situation,Please Lord, allow this family to accept, reach out to you for guidance, and to have Hope for a good life here on earth and perfect healing for eternity!
In the Name of Jesus Christ,