Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Leafs Me Happy Blog Hop Winner and a Prayer Request

The Leafs Me Happy Hop is over  :(  and I'm sad to see it go but can hardly wait for Wicked!  Wicked is set to begin October 22 and is going to be led by Wendy at Why Not Quilt - it's going to be so much fun!

Meanwhile here at Stitchinbythelake I've got a winner of the glow-in-the-dark Halloween bag - Judy from Shade Tree Quilts will be getting this fun bag (with a few goodies added of course).  I've e-mailed her and will mail it sometime this week.

And for those of you who believe as I do that prayer changes things, please pray for my brother-in-law, Mike, who lost the vision in his right eye last March, and this week lost most of the vision in his left eye.  He and my sister are on their way to The Mayo Clinic right now to see doctors there, hoping to keep the small bit of sight that he has left.  Thank you for joining with me in praying for healing, for strength, for peace and for grace.


1 evelyn said...

Prayers for Mike and your sister too. Also for the doctors at the Mayo clinic, may God give them the knowledge and guide their hands.

2 Helen said...

My thoughts and prayers will be added for your brother-in-law, Mike. God's blessings be with him.

3 BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Congratulations for Judy and Prayers for Mike. I do believe in prayer and healing.

4 Susannah said...

Yes, prayers will be said here for your brother-in-law, Mike.

5 Wendy said...

I send my congratulations to Judy .. truly! I send more prayers for Mike ... God be with you all!

6 Sandy D said...

My prayers are with your brother in law Mike

7 Vroomans' Quilts said...

Congratulations to Judy and thank you for hosting. Prayers and blessing being sent.

8 Julie Fukuda said...

Prayers are on their way along with congratulations to Judy.

9 Kristi said...

I'll keep Mike in my prayers.

10 Marie Rayner said...

Keeping Mike in our prayers as well. xxoo

11 Michelle said...

I sent up a prayer for Mike. Please keep us updated on the miracle I know will happen!

12 Denise :) said...

Congratulations to Judy and I will most certainly add Mike to my prayers. Please keep us posted! *hugs*! :)

13 Jeanie said...

Prayers for healing, strength, and wisdom. It must be terribly difficult for all of you.
And congrats to Judy. Enjoy your win!

14 Carol said...

Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers

15 Linda Lee said...

Holding them in prayer..praying for the medical team as they work to save his sight. We serve an AWESOME GOD.

16 Josie McRazie said...

Prayers to Mike and his Wife. I could not imagine not being able to see all the beautiful things this world has to offer.

17 Needled Mom said...

Please know that they have my prayers too.

18 JudyCinNC said...

Prayers on your way -
Thank you very much for the wonderful giveaway and I can't wait for the gifties - did I tell you how much I love surprises? Hopefully I will be blogging more once we are in our new home the end of the month. Again, thank you Marlene for wonderful giveaways. Judy C in NC

19 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Sending prayers for Mike and Sherry.

20 Carrie P. said...

said a prayer for Mike.

21 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Light, love and hugs have been sent.

22 Vesuviusmama said...

Prayers going out for Mike.

23 Cindy F said...

Prayers on the way.

24 Grammy Staffy said...

Mike will have my prayers. Sending hugs, Lura

25 Grammy Staffy said...

Hello again dear. Just stopping back by to see how Mike is doing and sending prayers and hugs

26 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Hope Mike is doing OK. Prayers for all of you.