I cooked, I cleaned, I did laundry, I washed dishes, I shopped for groceries, I swept (but I didn't mop) and I still got something Finished By Friday! It's another Winter Wonderland block - this makes the third out of (I think) eight. It's going quickly, don't you think?
And, ta da! The electrician came! He came early, he stayed a long time, he stood in the hall between the sewing room and the bedroom and scratched his head, he climbed in
So I was able to cut out this Checkers and Rails Quilt. Apologies for the picture but it's in a book that I couldn't get to lay right and I couldn't get the glare off. :( It's a very traditional pattern first documented in the early 1800s. I thought it was an appropriate pattern to choose for a young couple who have old fashioned traditional values. If you look closely you will see that the pattern is actually made from the sashing, rather than from a block.
I think the batik looks like the water at Cancun where they will be getting married next week. So Natalie and Josh, if you're reading this, I finished cutting out your quilt!! You can expect it to be mailed to you in a few weeks, strike that, months. :) Quilts take a while. I will be praying for each of you as I sew - praying that you will continue to love the Lord, to love each other, to have many years of joy with lots of babies.
Oh, I am so envious of your sewing room. Could you send your electrition over to my place? My hubby says it is much too hot to get into the attic..... but then in the winter he says it is too cold. Good luck on your quilt.
I'm glad you got the electrical problem fixed even if you are poor now after paying the repairman!
I find the quilt pictured in the book very interesting. I don't think I have ever seen one like it.
I love the checkers pattern. It could be so versatile like the modern spin your putting on it with teal and brown. I think the wedding couple will love it!
Wow!!! What a nice cutting setup you have, Marlene!
And that quilt pattern is to die for. Do you know the exact name of that pattern? I would love to make one like that for myself - I see the potential for lots of feather quilting in the block center.
I can't wait to see the finisehd work. So, get working on it quick, okay?! (just kidding!)
Hooray for the electrician! Thanks for the heads up on the giveaway. Have you tried that frap yet?
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