Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Gift From Afar

Last week Purple Pam posted a picture of an embroidery piece she had made. It's a witches house, part of a Halloween pattern. When I asked for the name and designer of the pattern she told me it was Hocuspocusville by Crabapple Hill. And today in the mail Pam sent me the pattern! What a sweet and thoughtful gift. I know you can't see the detail of the village blocks but they are wonderful. There's a candy store; a drive through "Bubble and Brew" shop; an apothecary with hexes, potions & spells; The Black Cauldron, a cafe; and many others. I cannot allow myself to start this until I finish Winter Wonderland....I cannot....I cannot.

But Pam not only sent me the pattern - she also sent me this wonderful scrappy bag made from chicken fabrics. And all her leftover fabrics from the bag so I can use them in something else! I am blown away.

I continue to be amazed by the goodness and the generousity of my blogging friends. When I am down you make me laugh. When I am sad you cry with me. And when I need prayer you lift me up. I thank my Father for each and every one of the friends I have made here - you have a special place in my heart.


Lori said...

What a nice suprise! I love the bag with the chicken fabrics. Have a great day!

Sarah Taylor said...

What a wonderful friend! It's simply amazing the bonds that are formed through the blogosphere! Have a wonderful day!

Dandelion Quilts said...

You can't beat a surprise like that in the mail. How sweet!

Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 said...

Oh another pattern that I must have LOL :) The bag is wonderful ! What a dear sweet friend you have !!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh..... this is the pattern I have been coveting!!!! I am hoping that Primitive Gatherings Shop is going to do it for a block of the month in September..... OOhhhh I really wanted to do this one!

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Marlene, don't you feel blessed with so many wonderful friends. I think blogging has opened so many hearts and homes to people you can really relate to. Great gifts.
Makes me think of a post I need to do.

Anonymous said...

WOW -- such sweet gifts, Marlene! You must be a special person to warrant such sweet sweet gifts from Pam!!


Raquel said...

Marlene: Ain't God good, give us so many blessings! That bag is too cute! I have found my blog friends to be among my very bestest ever! Much love - Raquel XO

Heather said...

Isn't it fun to get surprises in the mail. The Hocuspocusville is too cute!

Sharon said...

I've known Pam for many years and I can testify that she IS a sweetheart! (And a funny, funny lady too!) What great gifts from Pam! Lucky you!

Salem Stitcher said...

Ooh, I'm going to the Crabapple Hill site right now and check that pattern out! What a wonderful friend you have!

Anonymous said...

Hi Marlene,

Thanks for the kind words. It's really easier than it looks! :)

I wish you were close enough so that I could either have you over for dinner or bring a meal over while you are still waiting on your stove.

Are you squeezing in some extra sewing since you don't really have to cook? ;)

Yarni Gras! said...

what wonderful goodies for you to enjoy!

Purple Pam said...

Wow, the picture of that bag looks better in your blog than it did in my sewing room. I hope you enjoy it. I know you will enjoy the Hocuspocusville pattern. It is a fun one for sure.

Happy Quilting , Pam

Anonymous said...

I love the hocuspocus pattern !!! Did you already made it? I'm going to buy it to I think ... but I must see if its availeble in netherlands.