Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

I'm Just Wondering

After several interrupted weeks - the kind where you have a day at home and several days traveling, or a day at home and several days of meetings/errands/appointments - I've had a really quiet week. Of course part of it I was sick after Montezuma came to visit me while I was in Mexico, but by Wednesday afternoon I was much better and ready to get back to my normal life. Have you ever noticed that after a time of interrupted weeks and you finally get to spend some time at home the "nesting" instinct kicks in? It always happens with me. I spent Thursday cleaning out drawers, reorganizing closets, doing laundry - things that make me feel like Holly Homemaker. (Disclaimer! This is not my closet or my drawer; I am not that organized.) But by Friday morning I was ready to hit the sewing room! Only when I got there, before I could sew I had to clean out a closet! And right now I'm just wondering if my husband is going to be gone one day this week so I can take every single thing (not furniture) out of my living room and rearrange! I mean what's on the top bookshelf might get moved to the coffee table, what's on the mantle might get moved to the end table....I'm not pregnant (that would be a true miracle from God since both hubby and I have been "fixed"), I'm not hormonal (been off those things for several weeks now), and I'm not insane (couldn't swear to this one). Any explanations?

Here's another thing I'm curious about. Why is it that the longer a man watches television, the louder it gets? Does that happen at your house? It seems that when it's first turned on the television is at a reasonable decible. After the first hour or so I notice it from 2 rooms away. Another hour and I could hear it out on the lake in the boat with the motor running. Is it their hearing? I mean, does it decline over time - not just years, but hours? Is there some subliminal message on commercials (which are louder than the shows anyway) that says, "Turn me up! Turn me up!" Or is it a concerted effort to get our attention? We're off in some other part of the house doing something that isn't designed for their comfort so they're trying to get our attention? If you know I really, really wish you'd share with the rest of us 'cause my ears hurt. And those of you with small children added to the mix, bless your heart!


elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Do you hire out?

Also, in regard to the loud t.v., yes it must be a hearing thing. I experienced the reality of it this week while at my folks. My dad could seriously use a hearing check. I told him so. The noise of tv nearly ran me out of the house. Perhaps all those years of "selective hearing" has taken its toll.

PS: What a neat, tidy, and cheerful closet/drawer. For some reason, it makes me smile. Is that weird or what?

Amy a.k.a. dragonryder4 said...

Hey Marlene,
Yup the puppies are Rat Terriers. I just specilize in the unique colours. My babies stay in the 4 to 7 pound range when grown. If you can ever talk DH into getting one let me know :)

Apple Joos said...

Ridiculously loud TVs are exactly why we don't have one prominently displayed in our house. I grew up in a house like that and I promised that my children would never have to compete with an inanimate object for my attention. Whew... my parents should really be paying for my therapy.

Christine said...

LOL, if you figure out the TV thing please let me know. My mother and I have been searching for that little tidbit for years.

Lori said...

I call it "the I can't take it anymore" syndrome when I go on a closet cleaning rampage. I get to a point of having to have organization. I can't organize some of the other aspects of my life but by golly I sure can organize my closet!

Pat said...

Marlene, I have made a study of this phenomenon and have been unable to come up with "the definitive" answer to your question about men and volume control. Who knows? My husband, father-in-law, brothers, brothers-in-law, son and grandson (ages 23-88) ALL participate in this. All I've been able to deduce is that they can't stand silence, something I crave! Go figure! Pat

Anonymous said...

Love the quilt in your sidebar :o) That is so funny about the TV... so true here too. My hubby actually does have hearing damage from years of factory work, but UGHHh... my ears hurt with him watching that thing, especially if we watch a movie together!

molly said...

For my husband the TV is a lullaby! It makes me crazy how he sometimes turns it on for background noise. If after he falls asleep on the couch, someone sneaks in and turns it off,his eye flies open and he growls! For me,silence is the most soothing sound when I'm alone in the house....

Raquel said...

I have no idea on the whys of the cleaning thing, but I can tell you that I am one of those weird women who never change anything. Once I get it how I like it, that is how it stays. I will move the things long enough to clean, and back they go. As for the TV, I am not sure why that is - they do the same thing with the radio. I think it is just a "Man thing". Much love - Raquel XO

Anonymous said...

I get that feeling every once in a while and just want to re-arrange the whole house.

The t.v. thing-thats Pap for sure.

sister sheri said...

Yes! It's me, too. I think I get my best organizing done when I've been away from it for awhile... fresh ideas? fresh winds?

Rebecca Ramsey said...

Yes! It's true!
My hubby is 45 and he turns the tv up so loud I call him Grandpa. I have a hard time believing he's not just doing it to get on my nerves, but he says he can't hear it turned way down.
Aack! How loud will he need it at 60?

Mary L. Briggs said...

I think that 'nesting' thing just hits us women every once in a while. (I need it to hit around here more often than it does!) But don't you always feel so, um, satisfied once everything is organized? I do and always say I'll never let it get unorganized again~like that could ever happen! I don't have much of an 'organization' gene, so it can be a struggle for me.

As for the tv sound~I guess it's just a 'man' thing. I don't try to understand it, LOL!


Anonymous said...

I always clean my sewing room out, at least I try, whenever I finish a project. I don't know why that is... :) I am messy when it comes to sewing... It definitely is normal to be "nesting" sometimes. I do that often.


Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Hi Marlene,
You did what I have on my list to do. If I took a before and after picture right now I would probably make that TV show.
My husband also has to have the TV so load, if you say anything to him, it's "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" I agree with everyone else, I just think it's a man thing.

Aunt Julie said...

To answer your question about the TV: I think it's a "man thing." Or else deafness, either real or selective, which is ALSO a "man thing." My Dad was like that, and my Hubby is increasingly so! BTW, Aunt Julie needs help planning the rehearsal dinner for her son's wedding, and needs your help. Plus, she's giving away a complete set of Pop'rs in the bargain-the best way to encourage your family to Eat Their Veggies! Please drop in sometime and check it out!