1. Children sitting in the rising mist of the lake at dusk watching fireworks.

3. Redheaded 10 year old boy wearing a red and white striped shirt with blue plaid shorts because they were the closest things at hand and what do you mean stripes don't go with plaids?

4. 10 year old girl carrying her teddy bear and her camo blanket to bed with her.

5. 2 1/2 year old boy offering to show his fishing minnows and worms to 2 year old girl - his grandmother gently explains that girls don't really like to look at minnows and worms - he has a blank expression on his face and says, "Why?"
6. 7 year old granddaughter announcing loudly, "I'm hungry and I don't want anything starting with a G or gumbo!"

7. 10 year old boy (while on his maybe 12th Ice Pop) saying to his mother, "Mr. Jerry told me he really needed my help getting these out of his freezer."
8. 2 1/2 year old boy on being told not to pick up the June Bug he's holding in his hand, "But I like holding bugs."
9. 2 year old girl watching fireworks from a looooong way away and saying over and over (but not looking away), "I scared, I scared."

What DO you mean "stripes don't go with plaids?" Is it clean? Then it goes! [The Gospel according to my 21 yr. old]
Good you're writing down all those cute kid-isms......it's just so easy to forget them when they spout a few hundred more!
Marlene, I enjoyed reading about your 4th of July celebration. There's nothing more important, in my opinion, than making memories for our children and grandchildren, and they're usually the simpler things in life.
Thank you for tagging me for the "Six Random Things." I posted mine this morning.
You had me at gumbo. And then you showed a picture of it. Is it wrong to want a big steamy bowl of heaven at 7 in the morning? If it's wrong...I don't want to be right.
Very neat post! I like them all-but #9 reminds me of my daughter. When she was just a toddler and the wind would blow-she would grab her tummy and say "oooo scared". Thanks for reminding me of that sweet memory!
Thank you for stopping by my blog! Sorry that post grossed you out. It grosses me out too so I try not to read it. I've been getting some really gross stories back from it, though, so I don't know what's worse-- my story or the resulting stories.
What a lovely fourth you had! We had lots of BBQ and fireworks~then needed lots of rest!
I smiled all the way through your post. It reminded me so much of my kids and grandkids.
Thank you for tagging me for the 6 random things. I haven't done them yet, but I hope to get to it soon. I'm still thinking about what to say...
Hi Marlene,
What a fun post. #2 and #9 are my favorites.
Have a great night! :)
Thank you for stopping by and leaving all of your wonderful comments. I'm still tied to dial-up (I don't remember it being this slow) so I'm limiting myself to catching up on one or two blogs a day. Today . . . you're it! I loved reading your "random things". I LOVE chai latte too! Non-fat of course. Sugar free when I can find it.
Keep on stitchin!
That is so sweet. I definitely think that red and white stripes and blue plaid are the ultimate in patriotic when you are at the lake on the fourth of July! Did you see that a commenter on another blog referred to your comment in her own comment? She called you "Blessings Marlene". I LOVE it! You ARE a blessing!
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