"Now they know that everything I have is a gift from you...." John 17.7
"...God has given His gifts to you..." Romans 11.28
I believe God created quilt shops just for me. Well, maybe not only me, but I know He placed in me the desire to create and gave me the ability to learn and to use my knowledge to satisfy that desire. He gave that same desire to a lot of others and some of them got a double heaping helping of talent to go with it! He even supplied the materials we need to make our creations. For some of you the creations are paintings; for others it might be a beautifully decorated home. Some of you love to make flower arrangements or grow big, delicious vegetables. But whatever it is you love to create He put everything you need somewhere close to you, or in a place where you can find it. And He put quilt shops in lots of places I visit. Isn't that just like Him? He put one on the way to Sam's and He knows I have to shop at Sam's quite often. He put one near friends a few towns north of me. He put one just 10 miles from my son's house. He put a new one about 15 miles from me, right on the way to a couple of fellow guild members. And He put two in San Antonio! Well, actually He put more than two in San Antonio but that's the way He is - He overflowed my cup! I know that gluttony is a sin so I was careful; I only went to two. Wasn't I good?

The first shop I went to in San Antonio was Memories by the Yard, a large, bright & friendly place with a fabulous spot for husbands to sit and wait. The first thing I saw was a Christmas wallhanging. Now it's not like I don't have more Christmas wallhangings than I can hang in my house, and at least a half dozen Christmas wallhanging kits that I haven't yet made. But I love Christmas and this one was really cute...I know it's hard to see here but there are snowmen peeping over the first little sash, a sort of fence. And then a row of trees and a row of gingerbread men. Such a cute pattern how could I pass it up? I wandered around for a while, looked up, and there was the cutest baby quilt I ever saw. I have absolutely sworn I would not buy another applique pattern until I made several of the ones I have. But I have a new grandbaby coming. And this was so cute. So it came home with me too. It won't be hand appliqued since it's for a baby and needs to be sturdy so it should be pretty quick to make.
The first shop I went to in San Antonio was Memories by the Yard, a large, bright & friendly place with a fabulous spot for husbands to sit and wait. The first thing I saw was a Christmas wallhanging. Now it's not like I don't have more Christmas wallhangings than I can hang in my house, and at least a half dozen Christmas wallhanging kits that I haven't yet made. But I love Christmas and this one was really cute...I know it's hard to see here but there are snowmen peeping over the first little sash, a sort of fence. And then a row of trees and a row of gingerbread men. Such a cute pattern how could I pass it up? I wandered around for a while, looked up, and there was the cutest baby quilt I ever saw. I have absolutely sworn I would not buy another applique pattern until I made several of the ones I have. But I have a new grandbaby coming. And this was so cute. So it came home with me too. It won't be hand appliqued since it's for a baby and needs to be sturdy so it should be pretty quick to make.
The second shop was Plain Jane's. This shop was difficult to find and was in a sort of industrial section. It didn't have a highly visible sign so we passed it by once. It was tiny, wasn't well lit, and had only one person working. There wasn't really room for many more people than my husband, me and the one person working. But friends, she had wonderful fabric, really fun patterns, and excellent prices. She had some cute samples and nice sale fabrics. I know she has a website and I think she may do a good bit of internet business. I bought a couple of yards of a fabric for the baby quilt from the pattern above :) and three patterns.
One is a Valentine wallhanging with both embroidery and applique. Another is a patriotic redwork pattern. And the third is also an embroidery - a family sampler.
I am thankful that God loves me so much and that He loves to give me the desires of my heart. I hope that the pieces I create are pleasing to Him.
What do you love to create and where did God put the stuff you need?
Hi Marlene,
Love that baby quilt pattern!!! Which grandchild is going to get that quilt? ;)
I love to sew for my granddaughters. Walmart and JoAnn are the only two stores in town that carry fabric which makes me sad. All the other fabric stores have gone out of business. I guess there are not many sewers left. Too bad. I have fun when I go to visit my kids in Utah. They have lots of stores there.
I wish I had you around to get me into quilting.
Marlene...why yes, I enjoy several different flavors of frappachinos, but my favorite is the Chai Creme Frap. Quite creamy, nice blend of slushy and creamy....I'd say. Go for it, gal, and let me know what you you think. Delicious!!!
Great shops for a special lady to enjoy! And cute patterns. Wish I could go there with you.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and for leaving your sweet comments. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos of God's handiwork in my part of the world. If you come to visit me I can take you there to see it for yourself! Wouldn't that be fun? (There are quilts shops on the way!)
He definitely gave me an urge to create! And lots of quilt shops within not too distant reach......The thing I'm wondering is, did he make enough TIME? I'm afraid I may not get everything I've started finished before I die! Or maybe I just need to better organize the TIME He did make...... Love your "treasures!"
God bless America.
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