There's an insane person living in my neighborhood. Ok I don't usually talk about my neighbors but I'm seriously worried about this person. I live in Arkansas and if you've never lived in Arkansas you might not understand, but it's hot here. It's hot, oven-like burning hot. It's oven-like burning hot with a pan of steaming water in your face hot. It's been over 100 degrees for days and the humidity feels like when you walk into the shower room of a swimming pool - know what I mean? On my deck it's always a little cooler than in the front of my house (the deck gets a breeze off the lake) and it's been 101-105 the last two afternoons on my deck. This neighbor that I'm worried about runs about 4:00 every day (that's 3:00 sun time people). He runs in the hottest part of the day on the asphalt, which multiplies the heat exponentially. (I was a math major so I can use big words like that and know what they mean.) Now, I'm all for exercising. I don't, but I'm for it. I will totally support you if you want to do it. I will cheer you on, encourage you and pray for you. I'm still not gonna' do it. But I think he has graduated from healthy to obsessed.
Last night at quilt guild I mentioned this to a fellow stitcher. She has a friend who goes to the gym for 5 hours every day. Five (5) hours a day! Girls I am almost 62 (October 1 so get those cards ready to send) and my friend is 70+ so her friend is in the same bracket. Five hours a day. And if she isn't at the gym it's because she's playing golf. And if she isn't doing either of those she's on the practice green practicing golf.
Let's weigh in on this - how many of you exercise? Tell the truth, cause it's just me and I won't tell your family, your friends or your doctor. Do you exercise...ever? How much? What kind? And do you think I should call the white coated guys for my neighbor?
Well I exercise - some in the front yard doing gardening - and a little on the treadmill - or the "dreadmill" as I like to call it. I'm up to about 10 minutes before I almost collapse - but I think that is pretty good for my age. I'm trying to build up to half an hour - but what in the world do you do for that half hour besides walk no place? LOL
I don't really exersise per say but I'm always out working in the yard or at the kennel. Though I can't seem to get under 200 lbs but I'm not to worried about it.
I am with Amy. I don't exercise per se, but I do walk and work around the house. Exercise I think is fine if you like it and have nothing better to do with your time. JMHO!
Wellll..... I used to exercise... I need to exercise, but I don't. I garden, but that doesn't count. :o(
Marlene...that person is insane. PS- I know your partner will love her apron you sent. Mine is ready, I just need to photograph it and send it.
Marlen, Do I exercise, yes, I do arm exercise with my ironing, I keep my legs in tune with the petal on my machine and my fingers should be really trim with my typing. I really need to get back into exercise, just to make me feel better.
45 minutes...it broiled for 45 minutes!! Whoo-whee!!
Love your quilts! Such beauty...
I consider always moving around cleaning and gardening "exercise"! ;)
I have good intentions to exercise. Does that count?
There is a loop road about a mile long around the college campus where I work. I go in spurts walking it at lunchtime. Another lady & I walk it kind of when we feel like it. Isn't that a great plan, two unmotivated exercisers together?
I need to walk more because my back feels better when I do, ah but alas, I still don't do it enough. My exercise is gardening and lifting my grandbabies. That ought to count for something, right?
yes, I do. Five to six times a week. I have for as long as I can remember. Don't call the white coats. I'm not obsessed and my body certainly doesn't reflect my obedience to the craft. I just do it 'cause I always end up feeling go when I'm done.
Maybe not the Whitecoats---but you could hold out a cool glass of water as he zooms by! I'm married to just such a maniac---can't do anything by halves---biking, weights, golf....I have discovered Tai Chi and try to do some every day. Of course if I get on Blogger first that blows my good intentions all to hell!
No, I don't exercise... and hey, I was a math major, too. Maybe there's a way to analyze our lack of exercise with our logical thinking? hee, hee!
No, I don't really exercise. Don't worry about calling the whitecoats, they'll be calling the rescue squad any day now. Our reitrement property is right near you and I can attest to the fact that it is HOT with a capital H. I never experienced such heat as I did one summer I was down there and my mom and I decided to go across the river to that archaeological park. Soon after arriving we both looked at each other and said, "What were we thinking??" There was not one molecule of air moving. It was still and hot.
As far as the person who exercises 5 hours a day..... can you spell O.C.D.????
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
I exercise. I keep going up and down the stairs, trying to remember WHY? I was going up or down the stairs. I think that counts!
Yes, your neighbor IS crazy. And that lady that spends 5 hours a day at the gym? She must not be a quilter. (Or, she's just sitting in the pool staying cool.) That's the only 2 reasons I can think of as to why someone would spend that long at the gym!
I wish I could sew like you, Sewing directions look like hebrew to me. I never exercise, Im Lazy. And yes that guy must have OCD. I want to get surprises in the mail. I always seem to miss giveaways, but nobody knows me, do I have to be a someone, someone knows to get goodies? I love goodies. :) Liz
yes..I do! I work out 3 days a week at the gym doing Body Pump. It is weight lifting to music and it is tough but fun. Even when I don't work out, I'm active, cycle, walking, etc.
BUT....I'm no nut....run? NEVA....jog? NEVA..ain't happning...no way, no how. and in the hottest part of the day? No wayyyy....Only thing I do during that time is lift heavy margaritas.......
I run.
Run my mouth
Run a bath
Run away from exercise
Run to God
Lord knows I need to. I think I make more excuses than are necessary. I just need to do something every day. I'm miserable the way I am physically right now.
No I don't exercise in the way you mean-but I do stay busy so that should count right?
Your neighbor-should have a t.v. show!
I don't exercise. I don't think it's healthy. No way is it healthy for your heart to race that fast or your face to sweat that much.
I'll stay nice and cool and relaxed, thankyouverymuch!
Call the white coats. This exercise fad as gotten way out of control!
Well, I talked about this subject recently on my blog. I'm greatly lacking in the exercise department! I say your neighbor needs intervention--call in the white coats!! ha!
As for that Veggie Wash, I find it in the produce section of my local Wal-Mart Supercenter, usually by the potato/onion section. Hope you can find it at yours!
I do but I don't like it. I only do it so my bones won't ache. I work out to one of those way-too-perky Denise Austin videos.
I think your neighbor has a screw loose.
I can't wait to see what embroidery pattern you bought!!! I am sure it is pretty as you do such good work.
Gams Odd N Ends;
Does this name indicate anything to you?? Each and every end I own has found their odd way "round" my body. So, one would come to the "snap conclusion" that exercise, while some years ago I did walk 4-5 miles a day, has totally escaped all visions of my imagination, much less energy.
My fingers, however, and my lips seem to have taken over where the laps of miles around the neighborhood and the exercising with Jane Fonda found her way to the filed away books.
While my dr. tells me I need to walk, I walk up and down these bloomin stairs in our home umteen times a day. Is that not enough? Let him come walk in my steps and tell me how many miles HE has walked each day! Two sets of stairs each way. Not counting the work one does. Give me a break!
BREAK is JUST what I am ready to take!
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