Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Do You Have a Bulletin Board?

I've always had a bulletin board somewhere in my house and when I was working I had one in the office too. The one at work was typical and had work stuff on it but the one at home has changed over the years.

When I was in my 20's & 30's and I had small children my bulletin board had phone numbers for The Poison Control Center, the pediatrician, several babysitters and both grandmothers. The most important ones there were the grandmothers - they knew everything I wanted to ask The Poison Control Center and the pediatrician, and occasionally they babysat. It also had birthday party invitations, dance and gymnastics lessons schedules, football/baseball/whatever the heck sports season it was schedules, and the daily lunch menu for all schools in town. Sometimes there was a sock looking for a mate pinned on there, an extra pair of shoelaces and a picture colored by one of the children saying, "I Love Mama" on it.

When I was in my 40's & 50's the bulletin board changed some. It still had schedules on it but they were for grandchildren's visits or recitals. It still had telepone numbers on it but they were for my best friends, the plumber, the electrician and the church. And of course my mother and Jerry's mother. There was an occasional quote or Bible verse that I thought was memorable and an advertisement for a play that was coming to a nearby city. Sometimes there was even a picture colored by one of the children saying, "I Love Grandma" on it. I was in the heyday of my organizing phase so there was monthly menu list and a typed grocery list, alphabetical, so I could just put a check mark by something when I ran out of it. I even had a brochure on there showing a dozen different ways to wear a scarf.

Now that I'm in my 60's the familiar bulletin board has changed once again. My current bulletin board is above my desk and is covered with a plethora of both needful things and loved things. It's a little heavy on the needful things. There are business cards for the Primary Care Physician, the Gynocologist, the Optometrist, the Cardiologist, the Dentist, the Physical Therapist and the Dermatologist. Good grief. There are directions for simple things to do on the computer like: how to clean off your cookies, how to defrag, and how to make a degree sign to put on the oven temperature of a recipe. There are reminders of things I'm supposed to do like mail my gift for the Valentine Swap and get a haircut.

The loved things on my bulletin board are relatively simple. There are John Wesley's "Rules of Life" right above Oswald Chambers' definition of faith. There's a card where I wrote the significance of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh so I could explain Jesus' three gifts to my grandchildren and a short little reminder...."Jesus knows me. This I love." There's a question that I try to remember each day, "What respects God most & reflects His ways?" And there are business cards and post cards and greeting cards from blog friends and a bookmark from an old high school friend. Oh and there's my name tag from the last mission trip I took!

It seems that bulletin boards are more than just a place to put the little reminders of daily life. They are representations of where we are in our life - mothers with young children, busy women with a long to-do list, aging women who's priorities have changed and solidified. As I look at my bulletin board tonight I am strangely at peace with where I am and where I have been. I loved those early bulletin boards; they were fun and chaotic and almost primeval. I loved the middle age bulletin boards. They were the picture of who I wanted to be - a strong, busy, important and loving woman. But this bulletin board - it's my favorite of all. It's the sign of who I am now. I am a woman who loves the Lord and who has lived her life loving Him and loving her family. I have done all the things that were really important to me when they were important and I still have a few more on my "next year" list. This, my friends, is contentment.

Will you share with us what's on your bulletin board?


1 judycolby said...

What an interesting topic!
Mine is a mixture of old photos, hosptal wrist bands, addresses, membership cards, a quilt block, a little bag that holds a piece of iron that was dug out of my husband's arm (!) & other "stuff."
And like yours it's changed over the years, but not lately.
I may have to borrow your idea for my blog.
Love your blog(s)

2 Michelle said...

My 'bulletin board' is a mirror with metal cross hatches in it to look like a window pane. It hangs on the wall to the left of my computer. I have a few magnetic clips stuck to the metal. The clips hold gift certificates and prescriptions, and taped to the mirror itself, and stuck between the mirror and frame, are appointment cards, photos of loved ones, my social security card, a few postage stamps, and the last flyer I received in the mail for a Bill Gaither concert we attended back in December. The Gaither Vocal Band consisted of Bill Gaither, Guy Penrod (who was absent that night due to a little leave he was on), Wes Hampton, and Marshall Hall. (Jason Crabb filled in for Guy that night, and was FANTASTIC).

I'm glad I kept that flyer, because Guy Penrod didn't come back from his leave, but has started a career of his own, and Marshall Hall also left and went down another avenue. The Gaither Vocal band now consists of Bill Gaither, the returning Mark Lowry (YIPPEE! I LOVE Mark!), returning David Phelps (A second YIPPEE! I Love David too!), Wes Hampton, and Michael English. Michael is new to me, but I think might have been a part of the group, but not sure. So now they are a 5 man group. They should be awesome, and I can't wait to see them again! I love them all, and they are just awesome.

Have you ever seen them? If you haven't, you should. What a treat, and God is definately there too.

So that is what is on my 'bulletin board'.

3 Marie Rayner said...

On my bulletin board I have a few postcards sent to me by some friends, my appointment cards and snapshots of my children. Oh, and the pin for the digi box, which I can never remember!

4 Amelia said...

We have two areas that could be considered as bulletin boards. The one by the phone is truly a bulletin board...containing a large calendar with birthdays posted on the appropriate days...also a list of phone numbers. They are now on one single sheet of paper instead of half dozen in various that current a month ago.

The dry erase board on the refrigerator is the ever changing one - doctor appts, other places we are required or requested to be at chertain times and dates. also the grocery list.

Life is an ever changing bulleltin board as our life changes - more chapters in the book.

Enjoy God's blessing.

5 Unknown said...

I also have the explanation of gold, frankincense and myhrr! Is that funny or what?!
I have a calendar, notes to myself, and two carry-out menu's of my favorite restaurants.

Anonymous said...

My package arrived! Thanks, again. I am going to post a picture of it soon. I actually won two contests that week so I'll do them together.

My Bullitin board is still at the other house and is one I made. I have a place planned for it over my desk in the living room. It usually contains pictures and notes and Birthday cards. The refrigerator is more the bullitin board that contains reminders, artwork and business cards, emergency numbers.
Mama Bear

7 Jacquie said...

No bulletin board here (I guess my fridge may take its place), but I loved reading what yours has meant to you over the years.

8 said...

No bulletin board but a wall in front of my desk that I tack things on as reminders and enjoyment. My bead projects are there and some various butterfly blocks I have made over the years -not all alike. Other misc. items hang there - things come and go. Do you know you sound like your bulletin boards are journals of your years. Love your inspiration.

9 Grammy Staffy said...

What a lovely post as always.

Please drop by my blog and pick up an award I have for you.

Have a good day. Love, Lura

10 Dionne said...

I don't have a bulletin board, never even considered using one before. But I found this post really interesting. I especially love your list of 'loved things' I really like the idea of a question you want to remember everyday! What lovely sentiments!

11 Cyndy said...

I love this post!!!!

I had a bulletin board in high school that was crammed with all things important! Football mums and corsages (the flowers all wilted and dried), movie stubbs from memorable dates, band concert programs, and anything that could be considered important in the life of a teenager!

I don't have a bulletin board now. Just a calendar on my desk in the kitchen. I absolutely love what is on your board now. It's really things that should remind us how to begin each day. The the question is great and one I will try to incorporate into my daily life!

Thanks for a wonderful post!

12 Vicky said...

Mine is in Outlook and mainly reminds me of the things I can never remember to do. I also have it pop up a daily positive quote. :-) You always post such nice things!

13 Adrienne said...

I used to have a huge bulletin board above my sewing machines and it was filled with all kinds of inspiration and fun things. A cute little sign from our oldest granddaughter was a memento from their Seattle trip when she was small. It has little sewing designs and says 'I love you, Grandma!' My bulletin board has since given way to all kinds of interesting and fun things on that wall but that little sign is still among the treasures that replaced the big, ol' thing. I'll share it all sometime but, first, I have to clean up some things so you won't faint at the sight of the mess.

Anonymous said...

My bulletin board is in my kitchen-and it has snapshots, artwork by the girls, and little sayings I've cut out on it. I love my bulletin board-actually I made it!

15 Angie said...

I think I'll put my 'bulletin board' in my blog - not because it's more special than anyone else's but because most of what's on it has been there ages and the board is just about full up but, you lnow, there's nothing I really want to remove!
love, Angie, xx

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