Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Fleas Are Back!

Remember this? They came back!


1 Val said...

I think at some time or other young children get fleas sometime. I remember when mine were younger. I couldn't believe it. I hated it. But it happens.

2 Val said...
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3 Christine said...

Ugh, I told you my daughter had them more than once didn't I? They can be tough to eliminate.

4 Amelia said...

Oh no,,,poor girl! (and her Mother)

5 Dandelion Quilts said...

Oh dreadful. If I was mom, I would be into school checking out whose coat or desk was nearby. Where is the source? Although it is easy enough to miss one of those little eggs and have a 2nd phase. Poor kiddo.

6 BarbCarol said...

Okay, who has fleas--a grandkid or you? I could tell a hilarious (and sad) story about a lice incident involving my husband. Remind me when next we see each other.

7 Jacquie said...

Oh, bless your hearts!!!

Anonymous said...

Those fleas have been seen at the school here, also. Oh, what a job they are to get rid of.
Mama Bear

9 Salem Stitcher said...

Bad BAD fleas! Leave that baby alone!

10 Angie said...

By 'fleas' we ARE talking about the little creatures that get in kids' hair aren't we? You'd have to be a magician to wipe them out altogether. If one child in a classroom gets them, they go round the others like wildfire. It's not a case of poor hygiene or bad habits or a filthy home, nits (as we call them over here) just ARE. It's one of the downsides to getting educated!
love, Angie, xx

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, oh my!

12 Aunt Julie said...

Oh, gosh. Are you going to have to bomb the house? I know what'll put you in a better frame of mind...I'm having another Pop'rs Giveaway, and I KNOW you want to enter!

13 sarahross said...

I'm itching my head just thinking about it! Thank goodness my babies aren't in school yet! I'm not ready for this stuff...

14 Linda said...

Fleas don't like heat... Every day I put my kids coats/sweaters in the dryer before they wear them to school and after they get home! LOL And yes... if we offer a ride to someone who might be prone to getting fleas I have been known to take my iron out to the car with an extension cord and a towel and iron the seats! And... yup, the couch inside too :D YEah.... I get a little anal about it! Good luck!!