Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm A Star!

Dionne over at Sew Many Quilts asked recently if she could interview me. Oh my goodness I felt like I'd been invited to be on Dave Letterman or Oprah! If you're interested in reading it you'll find it here.


1 Julie in the Barn said...

I read her post yesterday and was so excited to see that she had chosen you as her star quilter this time. You ARE a star, Marlene. And I have your autograph! I'm one of your biggest fans.

2 Grammy Staffy said...

Oh my goodness......Now I have two famous blog friends... You and Linda have both been published. You are truly a star and I loved reading all about you.

I feel that I have been blessed to find you on the web. I wish that we lived close so you could be my quilting teacher. Like your friend said...since I can sew surely I could learn to quilt.

Of course I do make quilts for each new grandchild but they are pieced, cross stitched or embroidered and tied.

I have actually quilted some small quilts and some Christmas tree skirts but I did them in my lap. I don't have a frame. I've thought of getting a frame but I am not enough of a quilter to justify it.

So my sweet and talented friend keep up the good work. I am proud of you and your accomplishments.

Hugs, Lura

3 Adrienne said...

Great interview! I loved reading and learning more about you, my friend. Wish I lived close enough to get inspiration in person!

Anonymous said...

Life is so not fair!!! You got all the family ability to write so eloquently AND make quilts!! Sister Sherry

5 Marie Rayner said...

I agree with everyone else, you've always been a star to me!! You are so talented and are such a lovely lady. I love you to pieces, no pun intended!

6 Marge said...

Loved the interview! Love your philosophy of life! Loved the story about your grandmother, although it made me cry. That's the cancerous brain tumor that took my mom away from me last July. And I love your quilts. I am so anxious to get back home so I can start on a quilt. Whoops, I need to put the binding on a quilt I made for our son first, then start another.

And I noticed your February goals...and I had just started "The Memory Keeper's Daughter." I think it's going to be a really good read!

Have a wonderful day.

7 Michelle said...

Hey! There you are! I tried to look yesterday and nothing was there.

You ARE a star!

8 em's scrapbag said...

Congrats that is awesome. I'm on my way over to read about my famous friend.

9 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Can I have ayour autograph now? Congratulations great interview.

10 Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Marlene, you star you, loved the interview.

11 Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

Congratulations- I need to hop on over and read it. And I loved your letter. Can't wait for the next one!!

12 V and Co. said...