Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, February 2, 2009

This Is The Day That The Lord Has Made

Last night about 10:00 it poured down rain at my house. And I do mean poured! I was sitting on my bed clipping coupons. Clipping coupons is a never ending job I've decided and I do believe that coupons multiply like rabbits. I'm very organized and keep them in a notebook and I save a good bit of money because they are all nice and neat and where I can find them. I watch the sale flyers and I know which stores double coupons and which ones don't. All of that is beside the point and has nothing to do with this post. Just thought I'd tell you that.

Anyway, it poured. What a great night for sleeping, I thought! Don't you just love it when God sends rain at bedtime and you can hear it on the roof and the shrubs? It's like a lullaby playing just for you. When I got up this morning it looked like He had washed the world all clean and shiny. The sun was bright and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Looking out I thought it must be a beautiful spring day....I bet it gets to 70° today. Temporary memory loss - this is February and it's still winter and I knew it when I went out to put something in the car. That wind was definitely not spring-like.

As the day went on I didn't pay much attention to the weather. I had stuff to do in the know the kind of stuff I mean, beds to make & floors to sweep & and a shower to take & and makeup to put on & e-mails to answer. I ran out the door about 11:00 to go to the library and bank and post office and it was just a perfect and crisp but still the sun was shining. This afternoon I went to physical therapy to work out on the torture devices and to exercise in the pool and all of a sudden, the sun was gone! It was cloudy and the wind was blowing and everything was gray. Darn! Now, as the day is winding down and I'm sitting here at the computer, I see the sun again. Oh there are a few clouds to be sure but the sunbeams are dancing across my back yard and playing hide and seek with the trees.

This morning when I looked out I was so excited to start the day, thinking about all that I wanted to do and all that I would accomplish. As the day went on I began to wind down a little. My grumpiness factor was showing a sharp increase and my "I need a nap" habit was nipping at my heels. (No, I never got one!). But now I'm kind of like this sunshine playing hide and seek - I have moments of clarity when I think oh I'm gonna' go do this....and moments when I hide myself from myself and think I'll just hibernate in my room for a while reading a magazine.

Now the point of this post. Do you think that we reflect the weather? Do you get grumpy when it's a gray day and feel lighthearted when the sun shines? Or do we see the weather through our emotional eyes? Is the sun shine not so bright when we're having ourselves a gray day? I have a friend who has that sun-deprived winter syndrome which probably has a name but which escapes me at the moment. You know the one I mean? Where you get depressed in winter? I think I have that disease! But only an hour at a time.


1 Amelia said...

I do believe the sun has a definite factor in my all around well being. I prefer the warmth over the coldness...prefer the light to the dark..gentle breeze to blusterly blast. Spring will be here in a few weeks...doesn't that sound wonderful?

No - le's not ever mention the word tornadoes...shhhhh

2 Jacquie said...

My moods don't swing too much by weather... but I do know people that really struggle with it. I am one of those people, though, that LOVES the blue of the sky the day after a storm. I love that!

Anonymous said...

I am definitly like your friend. I even have a few of the seratonin tablets left over from when the doc put me on them when Mother died. I am going to take half of one for a while.
But it is February, it was raininig when I got up but we had the sunshine this afternoon.

Loved this post!
Mama Bear

4 Michelle said...

I DEFINATELY am affected. It actually is a GOOD thing that I work inside a factory without windows because when it is rainy outside, or cold and dreary, I can get down very easily. AND, in the summer, if I could see outside how beautiful it was, and I was stuck inside, I would get DOWN and GRUMPY. I don't even go outside during the summer during work hours, because if it was too nice, I wouldn't want to come back inside.

On a dreary day while I am home, if I am 'down', seeing the sunshine will bring me right out of 'the dumps' to answer your question, Yes, the weather definately reflects my moods.

Also, if the sun is shining, I will not close my curtains. I don't care if it would make things cooler. I say, 'LET THE SUN SHINE IN!'

5 Tracy P. said...

It's called SAD: Seasonal Affective Disorder. I don't really think I have it, but to some extent it really "affects" a lot of people around here. And then the rest of us get the secondary effect. So eventually, I would say it rubs off on most of us.

I get grumpy dealing with grumpy people. The last week I feel like I've been having a lot of resistance from others, so my radar has been set on "fight". I've had to pray about that, because I really am prone to fight back!

6 elaine @ peace for the journey said...

The sun was beaming in NC today; so was I. Maybe there is a connection; in fact I'm sure of it. When it rains, I'm all for the long naps and staying indoors. Glad your ailment is an hourly issue. I hear it said that chocolate is a good remedy.


7 Christine said...

I think I have a mild case of it for sure. When the sun stays hidden for too long I do get down in the dumps.

8 said...

The weather is bad - we can be sad. But like you I follow your example of knowing that the Lord made it for me. If it never rained we couldn't appreciate the sunshine.

9 Salem Stitcher said...

My mood doesn't seem to reflect the weather. I have always liked rainy days and overcast days. They are comforting to me especially if I get to be at home quilting.

10 molly said...

I love the warmth and sunshine here in Fl but since we get so much of it, I also love the respite of cloudy, rainy days.....

11 Lisa @ Life with 4! said...

here in the Northwest (can't remember where you are), they say that most people have a Vitamin D deficiency this time of year due to less sunlight exposure. Although, we have had some beautiful, sunny (but cool) days this last week. i've enjoyed being outside to soak it up a bit.

12 Grammy Staffy said...

I can not imagine you being grumpy for very long. You are too much of a sunshine type of person.

Please send us a little of your rain. I will take it day or night...even though like you I love to hear it rain at night... but we are now in severe draught stage so I will take some rain any time at all.

Have a good week. Love, Lura

13 Marie Rayner said...

I definitely feel better when the sun is shining. You just cannot beat being in England on a sunny day!!

14 Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

I do feel the sun shining in the winter makes me feel better. Shining when it is already humid and hot? Not so much!! LOL Then I'll take a gray day anytime!!

But back to the real question - I think it is a little of both, partly how we see ourselves and partly how we actually are.

15 Jan said...

Yes the weather certainly affects my moods I am much better when Isee sunshine ,how is your list for this month coming along ? I read 'the memory keepers daughter' .Keep stichin Jan xx

16 Janet, said...

I think the weather definitely affects my disposition. And back to coupon cutting, I used to save tons of money clipping coupons and doing refunds. But that was the good ole days, they don't have refunds out like they used to and they don't double and triple coupons like they used to. Krogers still double coupons in our area, but the manufacturers put the same ole coupons out on the same products over and over.
It's real sunny here right now, but they say somethings a coming.

17 Angie said...

Tracy P.'s right, it's Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD for short, which is a pretty accurate acronym! We had lots of snow yesterday, which was wahed away overnight by heavy rain and today it's beautifuly sunny. Yes, I do feel more lighthearted today.

love, Angie, xx

Anonymous said...

I have many friends who say the weather directly effects their moods and their health. I'm lucky it doesn't bother me at all.

19 Aunt Julie said...

A rainy night is the best kind for sleeping, but I definitely think an abundance of sun has something to do with my upbeat personality!

20 Kathy said...

Yes, I think the weather affects us. However, on a cold rainy day, I love to stay in (if it is my day off) and either watch movies, read, or do handwork! That puts me in a good mood *grin*