Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Sister Loves Me Thiiiiiis Much!

My sister and I use a particular brand of skin care products. We like it. A lot. It's not sold in stores and you have to buy it through a dealer. You know, sort of like Avon or Mary Kay, but it's not either one of those. Anyway, my sister is a dealer. She became a dealer several years ago to make a little money on the side and she does, but very little. The draw for her and for me is that if you pay the annual fee, which is nominal, you got 35% off the products. Now you could sell those products for the full price to your customers, which is how you make money, or you could just buy them for yourself at a discounted price. Being her sister she's always sold them to me at her cost.

But oh my goodness the company has changed it's policy. Anyone who signs up now to become a dealer only gets 20% off. That's the bad part of this. The good part is that the old dealers got "grandfathered" in, which means that my sister still gets 35% off. Today she assured me that not only would she continue to pay the annual fee so we could get our skin care products at 35% off, but that she would put her membership number and pin number with her life insurance policy so that in the event of her death I could keep up the membership and still get a discount. As I was laughing so hard that I could barely breathe, she explained to me that she knew what was important to us southern women....and she was serious! She was thinking ahead. She was loving me. Do I have the best sister in the world or what?


1 Michelle said...

She DOES love you!

2 Dandelion Quilts said...

Oh this gave me a good chuckle I needed tonight, Marlene. :) Buddy preschool had a lice breakout today....luckily my kid was not the lucky one, yet! Still I am washing coats etc. as a precaution. I couldn't help but think about your flea story!

3 Kathy said...

She does love you and you are using a WONDERFUL PRODUCT. I use it too! I also have an ID and a PIN number.

No wonder you look so beautiful and youthful!!!!

4 Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

She's a wonderful sister. But I point out that MY sister brought me red jello and NO Pepto Bismol this week when I was sick (see blog).

5 Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

You do have a wonderful sister! And now you have me curious as to what you use!LOL

6 Amelia said...

That sister does love you and wants you to look great until the very time you step over into God's arms.

7 Salem Stitcher said...

You are so blessed to have such a thoughtful sister!

8 Oma aka Meme said...

sisters loving sisters- LOL- you are blessed- hugs from Meme

9 Jan said...

After my sister and me ,yes you do ,bless her hee heee Jan xx

10 Unknown said...

That is so adorable.

11 Barn Owl said...

I'm Birdwomans Sister.
Found your Blog reading very intresting.Will visit again

12 Southern Lady said...

Awwww, that is true love, Marlene. You are very blessed to have such a sweet and loving sister.

13 Aunt Julie said...

You are so blessed!

14 BarbCarol said...

I could definitely use that familial love. Upkeep on this old skin is getting harder and harder to maintain.

15 BarbCarol said...

MY sister is presently taking care of my Border Collies (3), Irish Dexter cattle (4), chickens (12), cats (2), repairmen (unfortunately), mail (small amount) and plants (about 100).

She is doing this for 3 WEEKS so that I can have a rest and visit with my grandchildren in CO.

How can I ever show her that I love her thiiiiiis much?

We have a grrrrrreat family!!

Anonymous said...

Not sure but Carol-- I believe you win if this were a contest. Go Pattie! It seems so much easier to just leave a sister a number than what Pattie is doing!! LOL
Sister Sherry

17 Val said...

So do we get to find out what this product is? That is a true faithful sister.

18 Tracy P. said...

Seriously! No time for sentiment when there's skin at stake.

19 Dawn said...

I've heard of men willing their season football tickets to a friend -- but skin care? from a sister? Way, way more better!

20 Angie said...

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's SUPERSIS. i have one of those too!
love, Angie, xx