Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Gardner I'm Not But Aren't The Colors Wonderful!

I'd love to have a great big garden.  My daddy always did, but I'm allergic to green growing things, dirt, trees, grass, you get the picture.  So digging in the dirt isn't in my future.  I do have a small herb garden which requires very little maintenance and every once in  a while I talk my husband into planting one or two things for me.  Since the last few years we've been gone most of the summer we've never grown anything I can harvest but I persevere because we're not always going to be gone in the summer and I'm convinced one of these days a miracle will happen and my husband will decide he loves gardening.  I'm not holding my breath.  But it could happen.  I'm sure it could.

This year we grew this:

Not much of a harvest but....just look at those colors.  Aren't they wonderful?  I need those greens for a quilt I'm working on.  Those exact greens.  Cabbage Green and Watermelon Green.  I invented two new colors.  I should copyright them.  :)


1 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Good for your green stuff. I'm ready for my garden to freeze. I get this way by the end of summer.

I picked a cabbage yesterday. It was 21 pounds! I lie not!

I say don't create a garden any bigger than your hubby can hoe!

2 Susannah said...

Hi Marlene.....There is nothing like fresh home grown vegetables. I do like your greens .....AND I LOVE THE SMALL QUILT YOU HAVE POSTED ON YOUR SIDELINE. THE LITTLE CLOTHES ARE ADORABLE AND THE COLORS ARE SO SWEET. Did you make that quilt?

3 Vroomans' Quilts said...

Love the green colors in a garden - there really is such a great hue! I only grew a few zucchini and summer squash (3 plants each) and 4 cherry tomatoe plants that have really produced! Oh, I have a few different herbs dispersed thru my flower beds.

4 Gmama Jane said...

Believe it or not, #1 husband LOVES to garden! I love to look at him garden and I'll put it up but I hate the HOT. I can't stand to get out in the heat to tend to the garden so I'm very lucky that I can have the garden without gardening! Maybe next summer for you! We're getting ready to plant a winter garden cover of Kale. I love Kale so much better than turnip greens which is what everyone around here plants for their winter garden cover. It puts back nutrients into the soil as well as giving a nice winter crop of dark green veggies up till a killing frost.

5 Ray and Jeanne said...

We don't have a garden anymore either for a variety of reasons. I really miss the bounty. We did not get to the state fair in Alaska a couple of weeks ago but the winning cabbage was 138.25 pounds! That is gardening! ~Jeanne

6 Mrs.Pickles said...

lovely greens!

7 Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Oh! I would love a big garden! My mom always had a garden and it was so great to pick the vegetables for a meal. Love the greens and the names you came up for the colors :o)

Blessings & Aloha!
(Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet comment about our grandbaby :o) ...also...I love the quote you have at the top of your blog! God is good...all the time! and He is ever present and faithful!

8 Sharon Dawn said...

After our white winters I am so ready for color come spring-- so always look forward to anything that pops up! This year wasn't a great growing year, but we are happy for any crops we harvest. Rhubarb is a fantastic crop requires little work and it just keeps coming back with big ol' colorful leaves. I wonder if it would be a good plant for your situation?

9 Carrie P. said...

cute little veggies.

10 Needled Mom said...

They are lovely colors, but aren't all greens???