Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Working Is Cramping My Style!

I knew when I went back to work it would change a lot of things but a week without blogging - oh no!  That's not me!  :)  I did manage to work a bit  more in my sewing room this week, continuing with my "remodel".  After all the discussion on the table I wanted to buy - half of you loved it and half of you hated it - I bought it to see if it would work for me because I couldn't find anything I liked any better.  It was important to me that it fold up to get out of the way when I needed it to and it certainly does that.  This is the way that corner ended up.

The table is indeed "wobbly" but today we're making a trip to Lowe's to buy something, I'm not sure what, that my husband and his friend Larry think will stabilize it.  They're going to put two new legs on it that will also fold up.  When you fold the sides up there's only one leg that swings out to support each side.  They're adding an additional one on each side so there's one for each corner.  It's not so wobbly that I can't use it or I would have returned it.  But I'll be more comfortable if it's a bit more stable.  And those cords are an issue for me - I ended up taping them to the baseboard with clear packing tape and it's much better. This is an old house and places to plug things in are few and far between.  

 We also doubled the size of my design wall.  I like to use the 4 x 8 sheets of insulation.  I don't put flannel on it because flannel won't hold a whole quilt top for me so I end up pinning anyway and the flannel ends up covered with threads, which I hate.  This really added lots of room for ongoing projects.  As you can see I'm in the middle of a few!

I thought I pinned this blog post but now I can't find it so my sincere apologies to the writer of the blog who showed this - if someone will remind me I'll gladly add it here.  Edited:  Terry posted about this and it came from here  This little cord holder has been my focus the last couple of days.  Well really my Dots on Dots project for the next blog hop has been  my focus but this drew my attention as well.  I've made 19.  :)  What great gifts!  Everyone I know wants one or four!  You roll up your phone or e-reader cord and tuck inside.  What a great way to store them attractively on your desk or to travel with.

And then there's school.  I'm working as a high school guidance counselor this semester.  I'd forgotten a few bulletin boards you have to cover.  Here are a couple in the hall outside my door.
This Time one is my favorite I think.  The clock is set for the time the first bell rings for school.  :)  All the little clocks are set at random times.  My husband stapled every one of those little clocks and each hand individually for me.  

Maybe the stars are my favorite.  :)  These are John Wesley's rules.  If you click on the picture you should be able to read them all.  I'm trying hard to present positive thoughts to the kids.

This is my door.  I'd forgotten that high school kids, no matter how perfect their schedule may appear to you, me and their mother, always want to change it.  I only have about 285 kids but I think 284 wanted a schedule change and sometimes they came back because they changed their minds and wanted it back like it was to begin with.  As I finished a change on the computer and printed it out I taped it to my door for them to pick up.  My door looked like this for days and days!

It's been a long time since I worked with kids this age but I've had lots of fun and the first time one of them said, "Mrs. Bush, I love you!" I remembered everything I enjoyed about them.  Even if it was because I changed her schedule for the third time.


1 Teresa in Music City said...

It sounds as though your new job has a lot of rewarding aspects to it :*) Any type of job will cut into quilting time though, and even more into blogging time. I don't know how people who work do it to be honest. I never realized how much time blogging takes until I started a blog :*) I see you are making the Promises & Borders blocks - aren't they fun? I'm going to be sad for them to end soon. Enjoy your new changes to your sewing area - it all looks great!

2 Lois Evensen said...

Time does fly when you are busy, doesn't it! Love the little "cord hider." So clever.

3 Needled Mom said...

There are simply not enough hours in the day for everything. Too bad we enjoy it all as it would be easy to choose what to omit.

It looks and sounds like your sewing area is coming together nicely. Life is much more efficient when space is organized.

4 paulette said...

What a great much to look at and think about...and to celebrate!! Loving all your changes to your sewing room...the cord holder is genius and loved hearing about SCHOOL! Our schools open tomorrow so it's always a celebration around here!! Ahhhh retirement!! Not that there aren't tons of positives about the job...Hugs from the kids...hmmm...I mentioned HUGS from the kids....

5 Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

Oh, yes...I need one or four of those cord holders,too. I hope whoever made the pattern shows up because I would really love to make some. =)

6 Terry said...

I posted about the cord holders the other is the link to the original tutorial I followed...

7 Susannah said...

Marlene, I think I would have liked you as one of my teachers. I'm serious. Great new sewing room.....look at those pretty projects on your sewing boards. Enjoy today and everyday.

8 Julie Fukuda said...

Foldable is a criteria I would need too. I love the way your husband helps you out!
If I have a job cutting into my quilting time, I can't think of anything better and more rewarding than working with kids. They are our future!

9 Marge said...

Now I am missing my job! I was the assistant registrar at a small college for 18 years, and I did all that kind of stuff with the students. I love not working, but I sure miss my kids!

And I will be making a dozen or two of those cord holders! Thanks for posting it.

10 Michele said...

Yes going back ot work is rough but I'm sure you will find a routine that works for you.

11 Grammy Staffy said...

I'm so proud of you! Being a guidance counselor is really hard work and it sounds like you are doing a great job! I miss the good kids I taught but I don't miss the ones who only wanted to cause trouble.
I think your sewing room looks great. I need to clean mine up and get to sewing again.
Hugs, Lura

12 Grammy Staffy said...

I'm so proud of you! Being a guidance counselor is really hard work and it sounds like you are doing a great job! I miss the good kids I taught but I don't miss the ones who only wanted to cause trouble.
I think your sewing room looks great. I need to clean mine up and get to sewing again.
Hugs, Lura

13 patchysails2000 said...

Just to let you know , my blog moved here

14 Karen said...

I am so happy to be retired. Several years ago, I took off three years from work and sewed and sewed. It was such a good time. Then back to work for 6 years. And I dreamed daily of being retired for good.

15 Denise :) said...

I loved teaching high schoolers -- I taught in a private school for six years (long enough to get my two through and finished)! There's no other age I'd rather teach, they're such fun! Enjoy!! :)

16 FlourishingPalms said...

Oh Marlene. I have no doubt whatsoever that you're a fabulous teacher, and that you're doing your very best to fill their young impressionable minds with positive ideas. Your classroom signage efforts are proof enough.

Your sewing room is looking great, and I appreciate knowing your thoughts on that table. I hope the fix to improve it is easy. You're so lucky to have a handy man in your house. (I don't!)

As for an unflannelled design wall... that's a new concept for me. Where did you find WHITE insulation?! My only choice was pink, hence the batting and flannel covering it. What a super option for you. It's great!

We appreciate you taking time from your busy schedule to post. You're a sweetheart. Hang in there.

17 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

The students are so lucky to have you girlfriend! I think you need to move your design wall to your office for all those schedule changes! Good gracious! hee,hee,hee.

Love seeing your Harrington and Hannah blocks.


18 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Sorry about the work thing. It does get in the way.
I hate to start a project just in time to work several 12 hour shifts.

Hope you got your table sturdy!