Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Winner Announced

Congratulations to Susan from Montana - commenter #66.  She's won the Dots on Dots giveaway table runner!  I've e-mailed Susan and will be mailing this out later this week.


1 Denise :) said...

Yay for Susan -- what a lucky gal!! :)

2 Gill said...

Thanks for a lovely giveaway and congratulations to Susan!

3 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Congratulations Susan!

4 nanny said...

Woohoo congrats Susan

5 Susan said...

Good Morning to you lovely ladies who extended your heartfelt congratulations to me for winning this lovely wall-hanging from Stitching by The Lake's excellent giveaway.
Marlene, I just wanted to let you know that I just now received your wonderful wall-hanging in todays' mail and must say it is so pretty and what beautiful Fall colors. I will be enjoying it for years and years to come!
Thank you so very, very much!

6 Susan said...

Thank you Denise! It is very lovely and yes, I am very lucky ! I love it!

7 Susan said...

Thank you Gill! It is a very lovely wall-hanging! So pretty for Fall!

8 Susan said...

Thank you Nanny! I am a very lucky lady to have won this excellent and well done, I might add, wall-hanging! It is such a pleasant addition to my Fall. Love it!!