Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Blogger Has Changed Things Again!

I really don't like change.  Really.  Well maybe sometimes, but not when I'm not asked.  I've been blogging for years now and all this time when you comment that comment comes to me in an e-mail and I can respond right then.  All of a sudden I have "The New Blogger" (didn't ask for it) and I get no e-mails when you comment.  I can't find a way to correct that.  I tried.  A friend tried.  It doesn't work.  Anyone out there have this problem?  Know the solution?  I have a sad face.  :(

Update!   I think I have it fixed...I hope I have it fixed.  I went in to settings, checked my e-mail address, it was correct, I deleted it and retyped it just like it was to begin with, clicked save, and it worked!  Makes no sense but it worked.  Thanks to all who suggested I check there!


1 Michelle said...

Hmmm...mine is still working the old way. :( I'm sorry.

Anonymous said...

Im so frustrated with my mine I no longer have a blog I went to Facebook !!

3 Lea and her Mustangs said...

Mine has changed too but I never got my comments in e mail. I don't want to go just to Facebook. I love my blog and my friends I have made there. Big Sad Face.

4 Vroomans' Quilts said...

A few others have expressed this problem - I got 'forced' into the new phase, but haven't had a problem other than getting use to the new format - hate it. There is a 'feed back' button at the bottom of your main page as well as you can file a complaint thru the help center (bottom of page) .

5 The Slow Quilter said...

Check you profile and your account setting to make sure your e-mail address is correct and listed. I seem to be getting my commments in both my e-mail address, and my goggel g-mail account because I have them both in my profile.

6 Ray and Jeanne said...

I also dislike the new blogger but I am still getting emails. 1. Go to and click on the second icon to the right of your blog name - the one to the right of the pencil. 2 In the drop down list, choose Settings. 3. On the left side of the screen, choose Mobile and email 4. Be sure your email address is correct in the Comment Notification Email box. I hope that helps! ~Jeanne

7 Jan said...

I'm not having any problems. If I did, and couldn't fix it, I'd contact someone like Carrie of Carrie Loves Design, She's the best.

8 Gail said...

I have been having trouble with blogger but not that one yet.

I always answer by email so I will be lost if it doesn't work that way anymore.

Happy Stitchin'

9 StitchinByTheLake said...


10 Denise :) said...

I'm sorry Marlene! I don't have any trouble with the new blogger interface...I wish I knew something to do to help you! :(

11 Carrie P. said...

OH, why can't blogger leave well enough alone. I hate it when they change things on me too. Glad you got it figured out.

12 Kristi said...

I'm glad you got it fixed! My question is, how do you get the comments to automatically show on the blog post page? I like how you have your blog set up to show comments, but I can't figure out how to do that on my blog. ( Thanks for any help!

13 Julie Fukuda said...

It is rather refreshing to read these responses and see that I am not so alone after all. I had just found out how to get the responses in my e-mail and it makes answering them a lot easier. Then it was about a week or two later that the system changed. I could get responses but they were all "no reply". Luckily, my son raced to my rescue and fixed everything.I'm no good at computer stuff but I sure raised great kids!

14 Rita said...

I can't see most of the pictures on the blogs and I have no idea why that happened. If it is my computer or the blog change. Can anyone help me?

15 The Duchess said...

Don't do Facebook.But will try to keep this.

Anonymous said...

Its a headache sometimes...I get most of my comments by email but not all...sometimes I have to check my post to make sure they all came to me.
are you still enjoying the camper...
Mama Bear

17 Michelle said...

I don't like Blogger's new format at all -- but I like the idea of finding someplace else to move my blog even less, so I guess I'm going to have to learn to use it.