2. Went back to work; must have been temporarily crazy; no time for stitching.
3. Signed up for the following blog hops:

4. Working on the following BOMs:

5. Participating in the following Stitchalong:

6. Reading the following book: (slowly!)
7. Now that I've written all that I'm sure it's valium I need. Sympathy won't touch this.
Sounds like your stretching yourself too thin, Marlene! Even you only have 24 hrs. in each day. Downsize, I say!
Since all my S-i_l's fabric came to live with me I have forbidden myself to get within 100 yds of any quilt shop, never mind darken the door of any such establishment!
You my dear, are one brave soul. Good luck!
Você com certeza dará conta do recado sem valium.Talento não te falta e se precisar de ajuda...estou aqui no Brasil.Beijos.
Work definitely gets in the way of having fun.
Hope you get some rest.
I'd suggest you have OQD,,,obsessive quilting disorder! The only cure is more fabric! Good luck.
Someone should check your prescriptions anyhow! Girl you are crazy!!!! I have to say some of those look like lots of fun though. I hadn't seen anything about the whimsical quilt garden, and the Stitchalong, oh my goodness, that is just the cutest pattern EVER!! I can't blame you on those two. DARLING!
Block and Stitch Alongs can always sit and be caught up with later. Stitcheries I love to do for a 'day of leasure' - just me and the needle. I know you will find time - and fun - in all that is on your plate.
That's a lot of blog hops! I have to admire your ambition, even though I don't admire your predicament. Glad you're savoring the book. I want to read it again, but I'm on to the next thing.
Marlene that`s alot on your plate. Whatever you put your hand to will be a success. See you at the Hops!
What is it hat's said about busy hands? There's noway in the world you could get into trouble! I'm sure it will all come together and you will shine! =)
I know you, Marlene, you will have it all done by December 1. But seriously, how are you gonna do all that?
Oh Marlene, you dear thing, I'm sure you'll get it all done because you're so efficient (not a ditherer like me!). Just looking at all those commitments makes me feel quite exhausted :-)
Work. Hmmmm....so THAT's why I have no ambition, motivation, and get no quilting done! That makes me feel better, but your motivation and accomplishments put me to shame. Can't wait to see your projects!
Oh dear Marlene...I think you're right valium is in order. Work certainly gets in the way...LOL! Back to retirment!
That is a big list. I'm sure you'll find a way to get caught up at some point.
No, don't take valium! Drop a couple of those projects! I couldn't do all that in a year, spread out, once a month! Don't drive yourself bonkers over something that has always been your love and your relaxation.
Or else quit work!
Hugs my friend!
Hoping this work commitment ends soon! Was it a semester or a year? You are too stressed so throw something out! Wishing you the best - it is very hard to coordinate work and play. Praying for a good outcome. ~Jeanne
Yep, all that stuff looks really tempting. My choice of words for the year was "priorities" and that has helped me. Maybe I'll keep it another year because some of that is hard to pass up!
Ohhhhh my what were you thinking...although I must say, I got far more done when I was working than now...Valium...oh there are better ones lol
Slow down, Slow down, put your items in priority. Work, paycheck, sleep - quilting.
Oh, my! You are definitely overextended! Hang in there and learn to say "NO", nicely. I know, it's hard to do!!
Valium....for sure!!!!! Good luck! You have a lot on your plate.
Gracious! You certainly do have your projects piled up! Breathe, Marlene, breathe!! :)
If I had to go back to work, I would think to ask could I bring my sewing machine, just in case things got slow.
Yikes! You need a nice cup of tea, Marlene - and to reretire! Do you sleep or just nap?
Perhaps an intervention is in order . . .
LOL! Oh my...I would need some wine!
You'll make it. What's that old saying? "Need something done? Give it to a busy person." :)
I love this quote from Margaret Thatcher....Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do, and you've done it.
But don't take it too far!!!
I did that last year ... returned to work after being retired 3 years. The extra income was nice (paid for our new granite counters and new furniture), but I learned my lesson ... I won't do that again any time soon ... no time or energy for the important things ... like grands and quilting! ha!
And in between all those lines I know I read 'and loving every minute of it ' ;o)
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