Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Another Blogger Change...Does Anyone Know?

On my previous post one of my commenters, Rita, said she can't see most of the pictures on other people's blogs.  Is that a problem with her computer or with The New Blogger?  Anyone know or can advise her?


Anonymous said...

Probably Both. Sometimes I can't see the pictures, but just some f the pictures, so I figure it is something to do with the way they were loaded. Then sometimes when I come back - if I am really interested in something - they load fine. Sometimes it seems my computer is just not up to handling a lot of pictures - especially if I have not shut down the computer in a few days. So me thinks it is many reasons.

2 Phyllis said...

I can't even load a picture any longer...the option has disappeared, or else I don't understand what has changed???

Anonymous said...

I see most all the pictures...every once in a while there is a small X on one, but I see the rest. ♥

4 Debbie said...

Blogger has done a lot of changes. My profile disappeared and I could not figure out what or why. I finally signed out and then logged back in and all is back. So if nothing else works....log out and then back in.

5 nanny said...

I have that happen too. But usually they open if I close the blog I'm trying to read and reopen it.....Blogger....gotta love it! ha

6 Belinda said...

Ahh, the joys of computers... ;)

7 SewCalGal said...

She may need to clear her cache on her computer.


8 ritainalaska said...

i think, maybe, she has to click on the html dot on her settings page. just as you have to have the html clicked on in your email settings so you canget and recieve pix. otherwise you just get text.

9 Tracy P. said...

Does she use Safari as her browser? If so, I would recommend that she download Firefox free (click here) and try it when things don't seem to be going well with Safari. I love Safari, but there are days when it just doesn't seem compatible with blogger. If Safari isn't the problem, I bet it will resolve itself in a day or two.

10 Tracy P. said...

Yup--I'm having a little trouble with Safari at the moment, and Firefox is just fine. :-)

11 Michelle said...

I use Google Chrome for the most part, in fact, I have a separate shortcut for Google Chrome, and one for Internet Explorer. There are a couple blogs I read that are NOT blogspot blogs, but (name of blog).com blogs. Sometimes, Google Chrome will block pictures, or the entire blog except for the blog header. Sometimes I right click and try opening it in a new tab. Sometimes I think it's just how loaded down the internet is. Sometimes I think it's the moon! ;) Who knows?

12 Catherine said...

I agree with SewCal Gal about clearing your cache. Usually works for me. If not, try logging out of Blogger and signing in again.

13 Rita said...

Thank you all so much! I am going to try the things you have suggested and I imagine one of them will make the difference. Thanks again ~ Rita

14 Julie Fukuda said...

I adore quilters and agree with all of the above. There are a lot of helpful suggestions and I feel relieved I am not the only clueless blogger in the bunch.

15 Josie McRazie said...

I read most of my blogs on my kindle fire. Most of the posts I can see just fine and for some reasoned others I actually have to open the post o. Line to se the photos! Not sure why this is! Yous is one I have go open up to see!

16 Denise :) said...

I've not had any trouble -- I use Google's Chrome as my browser. Perhaps it's a browser thing?? :)