Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Autumn is Tiptoeing into the Rockies

We're back in the Rockies - our favorite fall vacation spot.  This morning as we drove through Big Thompson Canyon between Loveland and Estes Park I saw the first sign of Autumn.
 When we got into the park I saw hints...whispers...of color.
 The elk seem oblivious to the quiet creeping of the autumn yellows.
It's times like these that I wish I were a landscape quilter.  Or a true artist with color.  As beautiful as I find the colors of autumn it's the amazing colors that only God can paint that I so badly want to capture with fabric and thread....and know that I never could.
 Honestly, what fabric could you possibly use to replicate the silver sunshine of the water?
 I love the days when the skies are clear and the sun illuminates everything on the mountains and in the valleys, but the gray, misty days have their own beauty.  I bought a fat quarter of black yesterday that is mottled, similar to this backlit peak...but not exact.
 The rain slipped in and out yesterday and in between showers the sun pretended it was going to come out.  It hinted at what it might show us, and then quietly slipped behind another cloud.
But even in it's misty light you can see just a toe print of color here and there on the sides of the mountains.

Sigh.  Oh to have that creative be able to reach out and grab that beauty and put it in a quilt.  I'd love that.


1 http://thankfullga447 said...

Thank you for the photos, they are breathtaking. Nature is a special gift and I am so so thankful for it.

2 Ray and Jeanne said...

I can't make that beauty into a quilt but it is forever ingrained in my memory! You are in one of my very favorite places - enjoy! ~Jeanne

3 Tracy P. said...

So beautiful! These made me smile this morning!

I get what you mean about wanting to capture that beauty in the way that some people can, but you do amazing, amazing things with nature's color palette and patterns. You are totally creative with the way you envision things and put them together, Marlene!

4 Di said...

Oh, I know exactly what you mean, Marlene, but you have wonderfully captured the colours and patterns in your words and photos. Thank you for this picture of God's creation!

5 Lois Evensen said...

Wonderful, wonderful images! And, I, too, am always looking at the colors of nature and trying to figure out how I can get them into my needlework - knit and crochet. So beautiful!

6 Denise :) said...

What an incredible Creator we have, non?! Marlene, you *are* creative!! I bet you could do this, no problem! :)

7 Needled Mom said...

It is such a beautiful area to visit and even more spectacular when painted in it's autumn hues by the Master Creator!! Thanks for sharing the beauty with all of us.

8 Carrie P. said...

beautiful photos. enjoy your trip.

9 Mrs. Goodneedle said...

You've reached out and grabbed the beauty with you camera, thank you for sharing it with us today; it is simply gorgeous!

10 Mrs. Goodneedle said...

You've reached out and grabbed the beauty with you camera, thank you for sharing it with us today; it is simply gorgeous!

11 Jeanie said...

God's color palette is beyond our duplication, try as we might! Absolutely stunning! Thanks for the beautiful pictures and enjoy your visit!

12 Lea and her Mustangs said...

God paints in colors we could never duplicate. Have tried in pictures but its never just right. I bought 11 quilt squares at a yard sale for 1.00 with the sunbonnet girl on them. What would you suggest.

13 Sheila said...

Beautiful photos and you should give it a try you just never know how creative you may be :-)