Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Early Morning at UMCOR Sager Brown



October is coming and the days are noticeably shorter.  Back in June when we arrived at Sager Brown the sun was fully up when I went to breakfast at about 7:15.  Now the morning look is entirely different.  Many, many years ago when we used to go to a river in north central Arkansas to trout fish my mother-in-law used to tell me I should get up to see the sun rise over the river.  I had three small children and was perpetually exhausted like most young mothers so the very thought of getting up early on a weekend on purpose was like a bad joke.  Today I know why she said that.  I look at this scene and it’s like God is saying “Look what I did for you today Marlene.”  The peace that overcomes me when I’m standing there defies description.  It’s a beautiful way to start the day.


1 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Yet another beautiful gift we are given when we open our eyes to see it. Truly magnificant.
xx, shell

2 Mary L. Briggs said...

I do believe that early morning is the most beautiful time of day. We were up early to head to Russellville on Thursday and the sunrise was a beautiful event!

3 Danielle said...

Gorgeous photo!!

4 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

What a beautiful morning! How much longer do you have there?

5 Jacquie said...

Beautiful photo!! I'm assuming you came to my neck of the woods...the White River?? We live about a mile from the river. It is beautiful...especially in the mornings.

6 Samantha said...

Morning is one of the best times to meet with God, don't you think?? So peaceful and beautiful...

7 Val said...

My Mom is an early riser. She loves her mornings. I don't get up until around 7-7:15. I love it when I get up earlier but for some reason I sure do enjoy sleeping in.
If I lived on that lake I might get up earlier too! Beautiful picture.

8 Grammy Staffy said...

What a beautiful picture. God is so good to us.
I wish that I were an early riser. I got up early,before sunrise, all the years I taught school but now I tend to stay up too late and get up about 8:30 a.m. long after the sun is up. I think I should go back to going to bed earlier and getting up early. I used to read the scriptures in the early morning when I first woke up. Now I don't have a set time and sometimes much of the day is gone before I realize I have neglected it.

You are an inspiration to me. I am going to do better. I agree with you that there is a special spirit and peacefullness that comes with early morning worship.

Thanks again for your comments. I so look forward to hearing from you each week.
Have a great week. Hugs, Lura

9 Lori said...

I agree. Sunrise and sunset is God time for me!

10 Lelia Chealey said...

That's gorgeous Marlene! I love how He embraces us in these moments. It's like He does them only for you.
Been thinking alot of you lately. Sending my love,