Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

One Thousand Blessings - Day Twelve

400.  A hot shower on a cold day
401.  Local quilt shops
402.  Bloggers who have giveaways
403.  Kisses on the cheek from fellow church members
404.  People willing to drive hundreds of miles to deliver goods to this mission
405.  Rainbows
406.  Indoor toilets (80% of the people in the world don't have one!)
407.  Waiters and waitresses
408.  The Bayou Teche
409.  Small towns
410.  Dogs that mind
411.  Men who ride horses (they remind me of how much I loved Roy Rogers when I was 10)
412.  Finding out something doesn't work well before I buy it
413.  Meat loaf and mashed potatoes (no green peppers in the meat loaf please)
414.  Coca Cola Cake
415.  Italian Cream Cake
416.  Cheese Cake...oh give it up, any cake!
417.  Tea cakes - that's not cake for those of you who never had them
418.  Bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches (ok I admit it, I'm hungry!)
419.  Crocheted or knitted dish cloths made out of Sugar and Cream yarn
420.  My Tempur-Pedic mattress
421.  Kitchen scissors
422.  Really sharp knives
423.  Children's choirs
424.  Heating pads
425.  Warm houseshoes in the winter


1 Karen said...

Such a good list. Indoor toilets....I didn't know that 80% of the people don't have that luxury.

2 Angie said...

OK - #417 - so what is a teacake then? Here in northern England that would be a round, yeast-risen, bakedn bun with currants in which you either spread with butter and eat as-is or toast them first, THEN spread them with butter. Either way a roaring fire and a big pot of tea are de rigeur!

3 Unknown said...

Re: 417 . . . my grandmother used to make tea cakes, but I always begged for the tea cake dough. LOL. I still like to eat cookie dough!

4 Jacquie said...

I don't guess I know what tea cakes are.

I love warm and COZY houseshoes!!

5 Arkansas Patti said...

Gotta love indoor toilets. I grew up with a one holer that was brutal in cold weather.
My back is thinking #420 might be a good way to go.
Again wonderful list.

6 Michelle said...

When will you be home? I have something to send you!

7 Carrie P. said...

I am so grateful for indoor toilets. I have heard of Coca Cola cake but never had any.

8 Mary L. Briggs said...

All good~you've reminded me that I haven't had meatloaf and mashed potatoes in a while!

9 Val said...

Oh I love to read this so much. Thank you for reminding us of the little things we should be thankful for.

10 Samantha said...

I really like your list... there are a few things on there I never would have thought of, but are certainly blessings to be thankful for.