Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, September 20, 2010

If I Were Queen Of The World

A little humor...a little serious  :)

1.  No child would ever be hungry again.

2.  Chai Tea Lattes would have zero calories.

3.  Everyone would speak to everyone else with kindness and respect.

4.  Every seam I sew would be a perfect quarter inch.

5.  War and violence wouldn't be in the dictionary because they wouldn't exist.

6.  Every strip I cut would be perfectly straight and wouldn't have those little wavy w's or v's in the middle.

7.  Poverty would be part of ancient history.

8.  I would wiggle my nose and my exercise would automatically be done and my body would respond accordingly.

9.  Cancer and other diseases would be eradicated.

10.  My fabric would be completely organized.

11.  Natural disasters would be a thing of the past.

12.  All of my UFOs would be finished.

Got any you want to add? 


1 Amy said...

Can you add in a little something to make house cleaning done and supper made too?! :)

2 Julie in the Barn said...

Favorite comfy clothes would never wear out. Shoes would always be optional. The temperature would be 72 degrees year round.

3 Suze said...

I have to agree with Amy...I desperately need help with the domestic side of life.

4 nanny said...

I would get to see my girls and my grandchildren every day!!!!

5 Teresa said...

Apparently I have been missing some of your posts in bloglines as I had quite a bit of catching up to do. The tatted cross looks like the ones my mom always made. She sent them to people when they got married, an new baby born or a death in the family. Or sometimes just because she wanted them too. I sometimes like to think of all those crosses in peoples Bibles.

Anonymous said...

Nothing to add... I think you did just fine :o) Oh, except, maybe quilt shopping was considered a necessity and free? lol

7 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Everyone would live happily ever after. :)
xx, shell

8 Renea said...

I agree with the curing of cancer and it would no longer be an issue for families. To many lives are changed forever when you hear that one word.

9 Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh My.... I could add a bunch to that list, Marlene... First and most important, I would have access to a pill which would make me skinny --and yet, I could still eat everything I wanted!!!!! How's that?????

Have a great Tuesday.

10 FabricFascination said...

Righteousness would reign and all evil would be gone.

(I like #12 too) :o)

11 diamondstatecurlygurl said...

I would like to work two days a week (and all my students would have no hunger, anger or neglect in their lives) - and spend two days a week with you and Daddy.. one day with you quilting, one day with Pop working in the yard or fishing!!

12 diamondstatecurlygurl said...

OH, I would have said three days a week with you guys but I figured it would scare you ; )