Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Pinwheels A New Way…Well, Maybe Not New To You

002 While I was in Houma last weekend visiting The Quilting Niche I bought two packages of Moda 12 Days of Christmas charm squares.  I loved the colors in this line, even though it’s way off what I usually buy!  I also bought several yards of Moda Bliss in red – that red is just screaming Christmas, don’t  you think?  Then I thought…what in the world shall I do with these?


My friend Michelle over at Life on The Vine recently posted a video done by Missouri Star Quilt Company that was new to me but exciting to think about.  If you click on Life on The Vine it should take you to watch the video.  But if you’d rather not, here’s what I did:

First I put two charm squares, one solid and one print, right sides together and sewed a quarter inch around all four sides.


Then I cut diagonally both ways.


You end up with 4 half square triangles!


And when you’ve trimmed the dog ears (just do it even though you don’t want to because it makes a difference, trust me) you can make these:


Of course you could make lots of things with them but I made these!


Well I sewed that the 4 sides – haven’t quite finished with them all but I’m working on them.  Now I have a question for you.  What’s going to happen to the pinwheel pattern when I put these squares together?  Will it merge into another pattern, like a square in a square?  :)  Should I plan to sash them if I want to keep the pinwheels?  This will make a cute little Christmas quilt if anyone wants to join me!


1 Angie said...

No good asking me, Marlene! I would love to see what you do though.

2 Elaine Adair said...

That must be yet and 32nd way of making triangles !!! and I haven't seen that method before.

3 Leeanne said...

Thankyou for your recent comment on my blog....maybe you will be inspired to make something from that very book! Time is always a huge factor of all we wish to fit into a day.

4 Julie Fukuda said...

Wow, that's new to me. Good thing I don't have a machine or I would soon have a stack of UFOs!

5 Lindi said...

Well, what do you know? How obvious is that method? Don't know why I didn't think of it! lol

6 Lori said...

Thank you for you comment on my site also( chester is a handful at times).
I just found that trick to about the triangles. I haven't tried it yet.

7 Sandy said...

How come we haven't seen that easy peasy way of hst's before??? Very slick! Sorry can't help you with the layout...interesting question though.

8 Retrogirl said...

NEW to me---Thanks for sharing!! What a great way to whip through HSTs.

I heart shortcuts.
Happy Quilting,

9 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Shortcuts are such a good thing!
Love those fabrics!
xx, shell