Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Warning and Request

Bloglines is going away....I keep hearing that everywhere I read blogs.  I've never used Bloglines so it isn't affecting me really except in one way.  I do have some readers/friends who use it and I'm afraid when it stops you may lose my blog address.  If you're using it then please click on the followers list on my right sidebar and become a follower - that way you won't lose my address.  If you don't understand the followers thing let me know and I'll try to help you get hooked up with it.  I use the gmail reader and Followers works great with it.  blessings, marlene


1 Unknown said...

Gmail reader are great! Have a lovely Sunday. : ) Gotta get ready for SS and church.

2 Paula, the quilter said...

Or you can go to my blog post:
about how to export ALL the blogs you read in Bloglines into Google Reader.

3 Darlene said...

I have you listed on my blog sidebar through google reader so I won't lose you. :-)

4 Arkansas Patti said...

Think I am OK but am all ready a follower in case.

5 Val said...

I don't read bloglines either but I have you on my favorites, my side bar, and am a follower. You are not getting rid of me!!! Love ya!

6 Pokey said...

I follow through google reader, but I'm glad to join in.

7 Phyllis said...

Hey Marlene,
I don't even know what bloglines is. I won't lose track of you either way though. :)

8 Jacquie said...

I could retype Phyllis' comment above exactly. Ha!