but here at Sager Brown it's lingering in some beautiful ways! We're still getting an occasional gardenia.
Periwinkles, as my mother-in-law used to call them, (vinca) peek out where they're hidden in the herb bed.
Sometimes when I look at the beautiful setting I'm surrounded by I wish I was an art quilter and could make a quilt that looked like this. That's certainly not my gift but it would be so cool!
Don't forget my post from a couple of days ago - it's now 97 days til Christmas! It's time to be making those gifts. :)
I love this transition time as summer lingers and the early colors of fall start to emerge!
I could spend a lot of time under that tree. Purely peaceful.
Loved the hibiscus, reminds me of Florida.
lovely, lingering, remnants of summer. Christmas count-down... already? Oh, my!
For the first time EVER, in my whole life, i started Christmas preps early, just like the shops always do. |And guess what? They didn't!
Lovely flowers..the lavender is called Mexican bush sage,, I had the dark purple but I do like the one you have too. If you'll notice the leaves are somewhat like sage but not edible. Have a lovely day.I didn't know that about vinca.. Thanks
It looks beautiful and relaxing there!
Nope, not Russian Sage. I have the Russian Sage growing in my yard. We have had two straight days of 90+ degrees. Summer weather still has us in it's grip.
I just want to sit beneath that tree...you think I could be quilted in when one is make of it:)
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