Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Stitchin' Stuff

My friend Pam sent me these pillowcases last week. I just love them! I brought them back with me to the mission because I knew they would make me smile every night when it's time for bed. She sent this one for me.... And this one for my husband. He quickly agreed that it was ok for me to put it on his pillow. :)

I didn't quite follow the pattern when I was making this quilt because my fabric wasn't exactly what I needed but I like this setting. It was supposed to be set on point. But it was an easy one to make - I cut it out one day and sewed it up the next. Now if the quilting is as fast I'm good to go!

I have some other stuff finished but haven't gotten it on my computer - maybe tomorrow I can show that to you!


1 Angie said...

What nifty and fun pillowcases! And I love your 'quick' quilt, tho it looks far from quick to me!

2 Unknown said...

Your new pillowcases are so cute and fun! Sweet dreams . . .

Your quilt top is lovely, also.

3 molly said...

My youngest daughter is a horse lunatic---I may have to search for that fabric and make her some pillow cases!

4 Adrienne said...

I'm trying to catch up after being gone for over a week on vacation. Love your new pillowcases - so special because a friend made them just for you!

5 Jacquie said...

Those pillow cases cracked me up!!

6 Purple Pam said...

Oooooh! Love those pillowcases. Your quilt is darling, too. I like that multitasking grandpa! LOL!