Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Remember Yesterday's Post?

Remember yesterday's post when I asked how I could possibly not gain weight here at Sager Brown? Well, this is how....set alarm for 5:15, alarm rings, turn off alarm, groan loudly, get up & get dressed and go out the door, walk for 45 minutes. This is what I see.

I love it that fall is almost here except that I am now walking in full dark and by the time the sun is coming up I'm in the shower!


1 Mrs. Goodneedle said...

It's worth it all when the air is crisp and cool though, don't you think? And then, there's all those biscuits and gravy!

2 Arkansas Patti said...

Now I understand why you are "healthy, wealthy and wise."
I do love sunrises, but beware those biscuits and gravy---they are lethal.

3 Needled Mom said...

So pretty. I really wish it was still light earlier though.

4 Maggey and Jim said...

Yes, fall is coming and today is cool and damp here. Glad you are doing good and that breakfast looks awesome.. Low cal, right??

5 Val said...

You are just like my Mother. She gets up early too. I am not a morning person but wish I was...sometimes. 7 a.m. is early enough for me!

6 Mary L. Briggs said...

I love to get up early and get the day started, though it gets harder as the sun comes up later! You have a beautiful place to walk.

7 Angie said...

The early bird catches the worm.....and great photos.....and a clear conscience for eating breakfast. And a cold if you're not careful! So take care and wrap up warm and above all enjoy every single minute at Sager Brown.

8 Cindy said...

That's worth getting up early for, I agree!

9 Grammy Staffy said...

You are so good!!! It takes real determination to get up and walk so early. It is nice that you have such pretty scenery.
I loved your "turned on" post. I hope that I am turned on and my light shines. I know that yours surely does.
Have a great week. Hugs, Lura

10 Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Marlene, I've missed coming by and visiting, it's almost like sitting at your table with a cup of tea with you. You have to get up early just to breath down here in Texas. Love the pictures and your post on blessings and spammers are great. Nice to catch up with you.

11 Jacquie said...

That's dedication, Marlene!!