Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Broken Promises

If you make a promise to yourself and you don't keep it, is it really a broken promise?  After all, it was only to yourself.  And besides, it was a silly promise anyway.  One I knew early on I couldn't keep.  Sigh.

I sandwiched a quilt top today.  That just seems to take forever doesn't it?  It's on my UFO list...#3.  It's blue and brown so I'm calling it Blue Skies Over Planet Earth.  UFO numbers 1 & 2 are finished so I'm right on target.  Working on #3 was the right thing to do.  No new things, that was the promise after all.  I don't count the table runners I made day before yesterday because they're for a post I promised Madame Samm.  And my goodness promises made to other people have to come before promises to yourself, right?  And I refuse to count the two mug rugs I made yesterday.  After all, they're teeny tiny.  They shouldn't count at all.  But I think I have no excuse for the 121 green squares I cut today for this quilt.
It only called for 64 squares but I used my Go! to cut the squares and they were smaller than the pattern called for and I wanted the quilt to be bigger anyway so I cut a few extra.  Ok, 57 extras.  It will be a little wider and a little longer.  I might need a few more.  And I positively won't work on the applique part until I quilt Blue Skies.  I promise.


1 Tracy P. said...

This made me giggle. :-)

2 Needled Mom said...

You have been busy. I'll be things go much quicker with a GO.

3 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I have recently seen the mug rugs and thought to make one also but haven't yet. I will look for your post for Madame Samm just recently been looking at that blog.

4 Julie Fukuda said...

No problem. Blame it on the cutter as in... "the cutter made me do it"
I tend to only make promises I know I can keep, even to myself. I'd hate to feel guilty doing something I love to do.

5 Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I'm afraid I could become so distracted with a "GO" that I wouldn't be able to ever make a promise with myself ever again. Lovely blue/brown creation, it's very pretty, Marlene!

6 Arkansas Patti said...

Gosh, don't we all do that each New Years--break promises we make to ourselves?
You are smart, we do better when we make promises to others.
Remember- you promised to us this time. It is in print.

7 Marge said...

Oh, the GO! keeps showing up in blogs all over the blogesphere! I need to check it out. I'm afraid I've broken lots of promises lately. ......just can't get going to complete anything! But I promise I'll do better this week. Unless a friends calls for coffee, my daughter needs help, grandkids want grandma, or the new Nook beckons! I do like the blue and brown combination. That's in my future promises!


8 Sparky said...

Alrighty Marlene..don't you dare blame me for anything lol...I carry enough
And can we talk about your that I like a lot...reminds me of my bedtime quilt...I love these colors together...Ohh I have that book..don't you love the christmas that...will I make it..not this century lol

9 molly said...

I so hear you! I also told myself "no more new projects!" But how do you stop a dear friend's daughter from producing a long awaited grandchild? Are they supposed to wait until I have my UFO pile beaten into submission [Permission to give birth now please?]Am I supposed to NOT make a baby quilt for said long awaited grandchild? Perish the thought!

10 Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

Hi Marlene!

Thanks for stopping by! You are always creating such wonderful goodies - whether your promise to or not apparently! LOL

When I make the place cards, I print the design on an old version of print shop and use the business card template because the size is perfect. Then I cut those with my paper cutter (or you could use scissors) and then mat them on a background color of cardstock that I also cut myself to size. I make them for every special meal and holiday.

I have folders and folders of graphics. Many I have saved for years from back when there were a lot of free graphic sites. I used many when making notices or newsletters for school and later when making cards.

This gal Annie has lots of links to graphic pages and sites. And I am happy to share so if there is ever a specific theme or design you are looking for, let me know and if I have one I can email it to you. is how to reach me.

Have a great week!

11 Grammy Staffy said...

Oh my goodness....I am tired just reading about all the things you are doing. You are amazing. Why don't you promise yourself a day off to relax. You told me that you weren't feeling too well. I worry that you are doing too much. Please don't over do sweet friend.
You bless my life with your friendship and comments. Have a good week and feel better. Hugs, Lura