Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I sit in my chair in the early morning looking out at this beautiful view outside my door and I feel the peace of God surround me and enfold me.  And I wish that I could share it with each of you.  It fills me with wonder and with renewed strength.  I'd love to see the place that does that for you - can you tell me about it?


Anonymous said...

Wow...that is beautiful!!! I'd sit there and pray! Thanks for sharing!

2 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

you have a great view!

3 BarbCarol said...

After a lifetime of following a soldier all over the world, I must have learned to find my peaceful place within myself anywhere I might be at that moment. It seems to work for me.
Btw, your sister was trying to cause trouble yesterday concerning voting. Did you read her Facebook? Thankfully, she will never change.
Also, I copied your pics from yesterday's post. Copyrights don't count for cousins!

4 Amy said...

What a beautiful view! When can we move in?!

5 Needled Mom said...

What a gorgeous view. One would never tire of it.

6 Lisa Marie said...

Lovely place to sit and and enjoy Gods blessings in your life. Thanks for sharing

7 Grammy Staffy said...

You are so blessed to live in such a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing this lovely view with us. I want to come and resort could be prettier than your home.
I've enjoyed catching up on reading your posts. What fun to have such a large group of girl friends from your youth. I only have 1 left and she is dear to me. The others have moved away and we've lost touch or they have passed away. I am glad that you have your "sisters of heart"

I also enjoyed seeing pics of your beautiful home. It speaks of warm and lovely.

Have a great week.
Hugs, Lura

8 Paula, the quilter said...


9 Arkansas Patti said...

That is just beautiful.
I find sitting on my porch swing watching the sunset over the hills and grazing cows, or holding a steaming cup of coffee while gently rocking and watching a sunrise, do it for me.

10 Marge said...

My place of absolute peace is a little village in Alaska, Seldovia. We've lived two summers in the tiny little RV park there, no power, no water, no plumbing, etc. But it has the ocean in front of us, the mountains behind us, and as we sit nestled in the forest, I find the most connection with our Creator that I've found anywhere on earth. And the peace I find there gives me the renewed strength to continue on with the real world! Next summer we'll be back, although not in the RV park. I'll have to take day trips out there from our rented room in the village.


11 Mary L. Briggs said...

Beautiful, Marlene. What a lovely place to sit and meditate on God's beauty! I really enjoy the view from my front porch swing. It looks out over our raised bed garden and into the wooded area beyond.

One of my favorite places away from home to sit and view the beauty is Sylamore Creek, near Mountain View. It's gorgeous up there.

12 em's scrapbag said...

I love the mist off the lake. This is very beautiful.

13 Julie Fukuda said...

Well, since my teachers retirement pay was only 135 dollars, I spent it on a wing rocking chair. I used that chair to cuddle and nurse my little ones and now to sit and quilt. Biggest problem is that it is by the door to the room and the first place my husband dumps his junk when he comes home.

14 elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Just sharing it here, brings a little measure of peace to my soul. A girl can dream, can't she? Oh and regards to the twinkies and junk food, I'm pretty sure my kids would have starved had it not been for additives. I shudder to think the health issues they now face because of my failed parenting, as witnessed by the brimming Halloween bags sitting on my hearth! Oh, and they're not here to graze this weekend... what's a mother to do but to help them out?

And send the leaf-blowers over here; my yard is covered, but I'm with you. I HATE any extra noise on the weekends. I have so enjoyed the breeze today, allowing my windchimes to sing their witness.


15 Adrienne said...

I'd love to sit there and share quiet thoughts with you!

16 Jody Blue said...

You did share it when I saw the picture I sighed and awwwww, thanks:)