Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Thanksgiving Thought

How do Thanksgiving cacti know it's Thanksgiving?  I mean some of them are Christmas cacti...some are Thanksgiving.  How do they know when to bloom?

My husband and I will celebrate Thanksgiving this year with both laughter and tears.  The laughter of children and the company of family makes all the cleaning and cooking and planning and shopping for groceries well worth the effort.  But we will miss those who aren't able to be with us and shed tears for those who have gone before us.  However, we will gave thanks for the sure knowledge that we will day join them at the banquet table of the Lord.  We will praise the one who makes this bounty possible, who comforts us when we cry, and takes joy in our laughter.  We will pray for those who are hungry and cold, for the leaders of our churches and our nation, and for each other.  And then we will feast on the following:

Roast Turkey with Maple/Orange Glaze
Southern Cornbread Dressing
Giblet Gravy
Cranberry Sauce
Green Beans with bacon and brown sugar
White Shoepeg Corn with cream cheese
Broccoli and Rice Casserole
Cranberry/Cherry/Pineapple Congealed Salad
Rusty's Pink Salad
Orange/Pineapple Cake
Coca Cola Cake
Pumpkin Pie
Mincemeat Pie

I'm wishing you all a joy filled Thanksgiving with people you love.  blessings, marlene


1 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I don't know how they know how to bloom but your plant sure is pretty!

2 Needled Mom said...

Blessings to you too, Marlene. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

3 Michelle said...

Hugs to you. I know your day will be wonderful!

4 Lena . . . said...

Those cactus (cacti) are a wonder, aren't they? Mine is just beginning to bloom. Mine belonged to my grandmother who passed it to my mother who passed it to me. It's the original plant now over 100 years old and still going strong. I've taken tons of slips from it and given to tons of people, so it's been quite prolific over all these years. Your menu looks delicious. I'm doing a lot of pre-prep work today and hoping that we get all our company tomorrow. We're under a blizzard warning for the holiday so travel just may become impossible. Thanksgiving Blessings.

5 Marge said...

And a blessed Thanksgiving to you, Marlene. Your menu looks delicious. Our daughter is hosting this year, so if the predicted storm happens and we can't get out, our menu will be the dressing, the cranberry sauce, and a very unhealthy apple/snickers bar salad!

Love your cactus. Everyone says how easy they are to grow. Me? I kill them!

6 Amy said...

Yum yum!!!! Your cacti is beau-tiful!!!!

7 Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, too. I say "amen" to your post, you said it well.

We always have spiral cut ham, and smoked turkey breast. I just remembered about 30 minutes ago that the turkey breast is still in the freezer (do you ever feel like Lucille Ball? LOL) Guess I was too busy cleaning, baking cornbread, etc. to think about it. It will all work out fine, yes, I know it will ... I hope!! :)

8 Jacquie Wallace said...

Wishing the same for you, Marlene!!

9 Adrienne said...

My Thanksgiving cactus decided to bloom early this year! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your dear ones, my friend. You are one of the blessings for which I give thanks.

10 Lori said...

Can you send me your recipe for the bacon and brown sugar green beans? It sounds better than the traditional green beans casserole. Hopefully I'll have all of the ingredients on hand and can even make them for tomorrow! :)

11 Julie Fukuda said...

My cactus is confused. When I visited my Brother a few summers ago, there was a beautiful cactus in bloom. I had never had one that bloomed in August so I took a tiny section wrapped in a damp paper towel and plastic bag back to Japan and potted it. I noticed last night it has begun to develop buds so maybe it is a Christmas cactus this year.
Do the cups on the mug rugs get hot spiced cider?
Have a blessed holiday.

12 nanny said...

Yum......don't eat too much/ha it all sounds wonderful!

Anonymous said...

My Christmas cactus is getting ready to bloom as well. When dad was alive he had huge ones like I'd never seen before. Next week will be two years of his passing...the cactus were in full bloom like never is a memory I have of seeing them and wishing dad was well enough to see his cactus. Last year...I bought my first one so this years blooms mean a great deal to me. Probably more than you wanted to know...but I will never look at a Christmas cactus without thoughts of dad. Happy Thanksgiving

14 Arkansas Patti said...

My cactus is just being cactus. Nice to see what it is capable of.
Lovely menu, if I drive fast, I can make it.
Kidding aside, have a wonderful day. This truly is a day for someone with a thousand blessings.

15 Grammy Staffy said...

Thank you dear for your sweet words of comfort. I am wishing you and yours a wonderful thanksgiving

16 Unknown said...

pretty flower

17 Quilt Doodles said...

Your blog is so sweet blessing. Happy Holidays.

18 Unknown said...

thank u friend 4 ur lovely comments in my blog

19 Carrie P. said...

Sounds like Thanksgiving was very nice at your house. I would eat a lot of the broccoli and rice casserole if I was visiting. Yum!

20 Val said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you!!

21 Nancy said...

My Thanksgiving catus is clueless. Sometimes it blooms at Thanksgiving, but two years ago it bloomed at Christmas. Last year it bloomed for New Years. This year the buds set in the week after Thanksgiving. Who knows when it will decide to bloom.