Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

This Looks Perfectly Awful...

....but I promise it was scrumdillicious!  I'm normally a terrible cook.  Well, maybe not terrible.  But I don't like it at all.  I so wish I did because I think it would be the most fun ever if I could.  I'd walk around in my kitchen with one of my cute, cute aprons on (I have several of course) and a wooden spoon in my hand (I have several of those too) and pretend to be Paula Deen.  I resemble her I think.  Well, we both have white hair and we're both Raphaelisque.  *(plump)  But yesterday I outdid myself!  I determined to cook out of my pantry and chose a nice vegetable soup.  It was a chilly day and soup would hit the spot, yes it would.  I stood in front of my shelves and pondered something a friend said recently about me..."there's a show about hoarders, you know."  He was referring to my sewing room but only because he hasn't seen my pantry.  I thought to myself, "self, everyone else just throws things into the pot and it comes out delicious and you can do that too!"  And so I did.

Would you like the recipe?  Because I excelled...Chef Marlene will now be embroidered on a hat and I will wear it proudly.
2 cans diced tomatoes
1 can green beans
1 can black beans, rinsed
2 cans niblet corn
1 can carrots
2 onions, chopped
4 stalks celery, chopped
1 jar beef gravy
2 heaping tablespoons beef bouillion
2 jars of home canned venison burger (yes I most certainly did can this!)

Simmer about 3 hours

Chef Marlene at your service.


1 Michelle said...

Good for you! That's about how I make my vegetable and chicken soup, and if the pot isn't full enough, I go get some more! Good job!

2 Unknown said...

You almost made, kinda sorta, but lacking a few ingredients, taco soup! . I'm sure your soup was delicious, it looks like it would be. Did you make a big pan of cornbread?

My daughter has a new recipe for potato soup, and everyone who has eaten it raves about it. The next cold spell I'm going make it. It only has a gazillion calories in it!

I'm going to try Judy L.'s white bread recipe, too. It's been years since I baked a loaf of bread, so I'm don't have high hopes of it turning out right.

Take care . . .

3 Quilt Doodles said...

Soup sounds good. I dislike cooking and consequently I'm a terrible cook. I am always looking for a good recipe. Thanks. :)

4 Julie Fukuda said...

Sounds yummy and looks like enough for more than one meal. I know more than I want to about hoarding. Cans on the top shelf (no pantry here) went bad while being saved for the perfect occasion and boxes turned buggy. Guess I should have made soup.

5 Needled Mom said...

I love a good hearty soup. YUM!

6 Lea and her Mustangs said...

Soup, oh yummy. My favorite in the fall and winter. I just start and put stuff in. Never quite know what will end up in the pot. It always ends up way more than 2 people can eat so the excess goes in the freezer. I am not a good cook either, at least you sew good. LOL

7 Angie said...

Marlene you should write a book! This post was inspired.....and Julie Fukuda has given you the perfect title. Could YOU resist a book called "I Guess I Should Have Made Soup...."?

8 Arkansas Patti said...

Not having venison burger- will have to substitute. Looks great.
I will have to borrow the term "Raphaelisque". Much more elegant sounding.

9 Elora said...

My kinda cookin'! Chicken bones are pressuring on the back of the woodstove as I write. Chicken soup on the way this evening!
