Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, November 22, 2010

How Many Mugs Can You Make A Rug For In One Day?

Say that three times really fast...I dare you.  :)
I love this blue cup!  I got Blue Willow dishes when I got married 46 years ago...the old cheap kind from Japan that aren't cheap any more....and I've collected more over the years.  This isn't Blue Willow but I love any blue and white dishes because they remind me of the sweet family that gave me mine.  And I have a couple of friends who love blue too.  :)

I can't be thinking spring when Christmas is coming so I went back to that season and those colors and made another one similar to one I made last week.  This time I embroidered some Christmasy words on one on the picture to enlarge it so you can read them.  They didn't show up very good in red...should probably have done it in white...but that's ok, I'm learning.  ;)

Rug #3....Scrappy trees out of my scrap bin, leftover squares from a string quilt that I cut into triangles.  They're kind of wonky but I know a child who will love these.  :)

I've now made 6 of these and I must stop for a while!  Somebody out there make me!  I have other things to do, a block exchange to get going on, a quilt to finish quilting, a quilt top to put a border on, and Thanksgiving dinner to prepare.  But at least the madness of the iron search has stopped...the 5th one did the trick.  It's a Sunbeam, it gets good and hot, it holds a lot of water and makes a lot of steam, and doesn't cut off for 15 minutes.  Go Sunbeam!


1 Michelle said...


2 Julie Fukuda said...

Lovely cups and lovely mats. Maybe it's time for a tea party.

Glad the iron issue is solved.My mother had a sunbeam that lasted forever. Only problem from my point of view was that it was right handed. I guess with a cordless it doesn't matter.

3 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

mug rugs are addictive. I know I couldn't stop until I finished the two that I made this weekend. I love the one with the Xmas trees.

4 Arkansas Patti said...

Now that I know they are addictive, I will have to abstain. I have one of those types of personalities.
Really cute however.

5 Cindy F said...

Love the mug rugs! I haven't made any yet but I know it's only a matter of time!

6 Jan M said...

The mug rugs are all so sweet! I love your list of blessings, especially some of the simple ones that we often ignore or take for granted.
I currently have a Sunbeam iron that I love, too. Many friends have recently purchased Digital Velocity irons. When my Sunbeam bites the dust, that will probably be my iron of choice. Ironing would be on my list of blessings. For some strange reason, I have always enjoyed ironing!

7 Sparky said...

First one me love lol...Orange you proud of yourself lol...Ok, I am not an enabler whatsoever sew you move forward on all other must do's too, that is my task on no mug rugs until maybe wednesday lol..
go sunbeam...and psst..I could say it more than 3 times..)in my

8 Darlene said...

I think you're seriously hooked. Just relax and enjoy.

They are adorable.

Anonymous said...

These have been so much fun seeing around in blogland! I've yet to make one but noticed I am paying more attention to mugs while out shopping. Happy Thankgiving to you and your are a blessing!

10 Needled Mom said...

They are adorable, and yes, they are addictive. I'm make you stop if you make me!!!!!

11 Tracy P. said...

These are fabulous, Marlene! Love the way they go with the mugs. They are short, sweet, and to the point--I could make them! But probably won't. I could send you photos of a couple of mugs I love... ;-)

SO glad your iron works! It's the Lord giving the fruit of the Spirit a little help!

12 Cindy said...

Those are wonderful! I'm always inspired by your projects.

13 nanny said...

It was hard enough to read fast/ha
Those mug rugs are just precious!!!

14 Lena . . . said...

You are SO creative. They're all lovely.

15 Marilyn Robertson said...

Your mug rugs are adorable - they would make a wonderful gift! Now to get some made! lol

16 Gmama Jane said...

The manager at the Dollar General had to ask me what I was doing buying SEW many Christmas MUGS!!! When I told him Mug Rugs he gave me a very strange look until I gave him a brief explanation. I now HAVE to bring in a sample to show all the ladies & Gentleman at the local Dollar General just what in the heck a MUG RUG looks like!! I LOve Love your Mug Rugs!!!
Gmama Jane

17 Maggey and Jim said...

Mug rugs are so cute and kudos with the iron. so many out there having such bad luck with them. Have a grea holiday..

18 Karena said...

Adore the mug rugs!! Just a delight!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Art by Karena

19 Carrie P. said...

Very cute! I do like the Christmas trees the best.