Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Girlfriends Are Gifts From God

Yes, we really did all go to the restaurant dressed alike.  Our shirts say "Sisters of the Heart" - and that's what we are.  Friends for nearly 50 years.  Some of us for longer than that - some of us met when we were 5 years old and we're all 64 now.  And we're such Fashionistas we even had a second shirt alike!
We met, we hugged, we laughed, we ate, we told stories that we've heard hundreds of time before.  As we were having our picture taken at the restaurant I heard a young woman say, "Oh that makes me want to cry it's so sweet."  I think that meant she thinks we're old.  She would have loved some of our stories.  Especially the one about the thong panties.  But I'll never tell.  :)


1 Lori said...

What fun! We have a group of girls that get together every year over Thanksgiving weekend and we're heading on to 31 years this year. It's so much fun to stay in touch even if it's only once a year.

2 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

I know that had to be so much fun! What a fantastic group of gorgeous gals! Sister's indeed!
xx, shell

3 Julie Fukuda said...

It was good for me to look at these pictures and ponder the value of friendships. Thanks

4 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

what fun - I wish I had a group like that - that would be fantastic to have friends for so many years.

5 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

What a bond you girls must have. It is so nice to have "close" friends.
You all are a bunch of good looking ladies!

6 Lena . . . said...

Wonderful. And you all look GREAT!

7 Amy said...

I love the matching shirts! Ya'll look fabulous!

8 Michelle said...

Well I don't believe a word of it. None of you look 64. Try again!

9 Needled Mom said...

It looks like fun, but the thing story???? Hmmm.

10 Arkansas Patti said...

So envious of your long friendship. Traveling so much I only managed to retain one friend since the 2nd grade.
Love those heart shirts and you all look great.
Now about the thongs------do tell.

11 em's scrapbag said...

Sounds like a fabulous time. Lifetime friends. Priceless.

12 Memaw's memories said...

I know you girls had a great time as the time and miles melted away.

13 elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Everyone looks great! I pray you crazy zebras many more years of celebration.


14 Pokey said...

Nothing like a good friend, you all are super blessed! Love the shirts, too

15 Jody Blue said...


Anonymous said...

This is the sweetest and most wonderful celebration of Friendship I think I've ever seen!!! How special and blessed you all are!!!

17 Jacquie Wallace said...

I have to think that you are extremely blessed to still be in contact with friends that you've had for years like that. It sounds like a lot of fun, that's for sure! (I can only imagine your thong story.)