Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, November 15, 2010

A Working Weekend!

With my husband in the deer woods it was a very quiet weekend at my house.  I didn't cook, unless you count scrambled eggs.  I didn't clean, unless you count making my bed.  Making my bed is done on automatic pilot ever since I was 23 years old and my mother-in-law came over one morning about 10:00 and commented on my unmade bed.  She apologized immediately and was horrified that she'd said anything at all and I wasn't offended since she could see me with two babies crying, spitup on my blouse, cereal on the kitchen floor, and toys in the oven.  Don't ask.  But ever since then I've made a double effort to make my bed when I get out of it.  On to the weekend...I sewed.  And sewed and sewed and sewed.  Love it!
First I put the third border on Rosy Cheeks Santa.  I'm not ready for the 4th border yet but I'm still thinking piano keys.  This started out as a panel - that middle portion.  I put on the red border, the flying geese and the 2nd red border.

Then I put together all those green blocks I cut last week and ironed on the applique and did the blanket stitching for this:

This pattern is from the book 'Tis The Season.  I used mostly darker greens with khaki Kona cotton for the background of the stockings panel and I love that muted look.  I made it a bit larger than the pattern, squares a little larger plus more of them so I had to widen the stockings panel and add an extra tree and another stocking or two.  I have a particular place where I want to hang it so the bigger size works for me.

Today is the day I go to quilt guild.  Well, night really.  We start at 5:30 with a workshop, have a sandwich supper provided by members at 6:30 and our business meeting at 7:00.  I'll be showing these two quilts that I quilted last week.
The official name of this one is Blue Skies Over Planet Earth and the pattern came from a quilt shop in Louisiana (whose name I can't remember right now).  But it should be called A Drunk Monkey because my free  motion quilting looks like that's who did it.  :)  Don't you love the sun and shadow on it - it's laying on the floor in front of my patio door in the mid morning.
Krystal's Krazy Stars will be mailed this week, after I show it at guild, to my niece for her wedding present.  She got married last spring.  I'm not tooooo late.

I don't know about you all but I feel so blessed!  I'm able to stay at home and sew when I want (mostly), I am warm and fed and am surrounded by people I love and who love me, and I have a God who holds me in His heart.  The beauty of this world that I see every day fills me with awe and the friends I've made blogging put a smile on my face.  I am so thankful.


1 Amy said...

Miss Marlene-
Thank you for reminding us of our daily blessings! I love all your quilts and that you had all that time to work on them!!!

2 Ruth said...

The Santa wall hanging is so cute! I love it! Also, the other quilts. You had a really productive weekend!

3 Lena . . . said...

What a wonderful outlook you have on life. And I LOVE the stocking wall hanging. Great work.

4 Sunny said...

The piano keys would be lovely. For long as I can remember I have had a compulsion to make my bed when I get out of it, or at least before I get dressed in the morning. My daughter calls it obsessive compulsive disorder :)

5 Julie Fukuda said...

Making a bed would be a pleasure. In Japan we have to fold up the futon and put it away so the room can be used during the day. The last house we lived in was big enough for a bed and I made a quilt that I loved spreading out each day. When we moved back into our rabbit hutch, the quilt went to my daughter who has a big bed. I'm pretty sure, being my daughter, she makes the bed each day and is enjoying the quilt.
Your hangings are looking great! Go for the piano keys! Let there be music!!!

6 Karen said...

I enjoy alone time to work on my sewing projects. Time to get a lot done.
The Santa piece is going to make a wonderful wall hanging for the holiday season. The border looks good.

7 Pamela Kieffer said...

Hello from Virginia.
I try and tidy up my bed in the morning but there are two Siamese cats who protest. These cold morning they want to stay snuggled down in the feather comforter.
I think the hours that your quilt guild meets are great. You all probably get a lot done.

8 Carrie P. said...

Can't get much better than that. Love all your projects.

9 molly said...

It's always a treat to drop in here, you have such a cheerful attitude!
Your quilts look great and I'm sure your bed looks wonderful! At least your M-I-L had the grace to be ashamed of her remark....Toys in the oven?? There must be a story there!!

10 Arkansas Patti said...

I too make my bed while it is still warm. Of course the pets scrunch up their throws in no time so no one can really tell unless I refresh it all day long.
Thanks for the reminder of how special being warm and fed is. I do and am glad you so also. So many in this world consider those two things for the rich only. We are blessed.