Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Pit Stops

I traveled last week to my sister's house - 400 miles from my door to hers.  I've made that trip about a hundred times I think and I know exactly where to stop, meaning where I think it's safe for a woman traveling alone to make bathroom stops, or food stops, or even a stop for a short nap in the car.  One of my favorite stops is a state park in Mammoth Springs, Arkansas.  There's a natural spring which forms a lake and the water goes over a dam, where they make electricity.  There's a path around the lake and since this park is about halfway for me I usually stop to walk the mile around.  If I don't stop to walk I'm really, really stiff by the time I get to my destination.
Of course there are about a million geese here so you have to walk carefully to avoid the goose droppings.  And there's another small problem here as well.  When you go into the visitor center to use the bathroom the attendant stops you to ask where you're traveling from and to and how many are in your party.  I've told them before that I am not comfortable saying I'm traveling alone with a half dozen people that I don't know standing around listening - I think that's dangerous.  They looked at me like I was insane.  They still ask - my protest had no impact.  I'm not a rude person but I try hard to totally ignore them.  They're quite persistent.

Another favorite stop is, of course, this one:
This particular McDonald's has a big parking lot for eighteen wheelers so I can park right there and there are people in and out all the time.  I've always hated their hand soap because it smells bad so if I could wait to go to the bathroom I would but this week they had a new soap that actually smelled good.  Yea!

But this trip this was my favorite pit stop:
This is Marshall's Dry Goods in Batesville, Arkansas.  It's a warehouse type place with row after row after row of fabric.  This isn't what I call quilt shop brand name's the fabric you find at WalMart or Alco's or maybe even Hancock's or JoAnn's.  I don't know enough about those chain places and their fabric to know but I think I recognized some.  They had Christmas fabrics for $1.99  a yard, regular fabric $ 3.99 a yard, 108" wide quilt backing $5.99 a yard.  I bought a few pieces that I will use for scrappy quilts.  Mixed in with other fabrics they will be perfect.  And the people were so nice and very very friendly - it might be a regular pit stop from now on!


1 Angie said...

Marlene, you know I just never get tired of hearing about journeys iin America. I mean 200 miles and you're only half way there! If I went 200 miles any direction but north i would probably wind up in the sea. Even northwards I would be into Scotland.

2 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Better buy that fabric NOW. I hear cotton price are rising. Are you back home from JC? I thought you were coming this weekend.

3 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I am beginning to look at all sales sections on the on line stores - when it is 50% you can save a lot - you can't always find what you want but prices are going higher all the time.
When traveling I would fib to the attendant in the visitor center and say it is you and your husband who is waiting in the car or something like that - they have no need to know - after all you must think of safety first. I used to do that when I drove the 6 hours to see my daughter when she lived in Texas and I had my safe stops too and one was a visitor center where they asked the same thing - if others were around I indicated I was not by myself.

4 Rita said...

This sounds wonderful and if I lived close by I'd love to make the trip with you. Please keep telling us about your trips. Fun!

5 Val said...

I am glad that you had a good trip. I am amazed that you get out and walk a mile. That is so smart. Glad that you are safely home.

6 Cindy F said...

I can relate to your being careful when traveling alone. I make the drive from Utah to Sacramento, CA frequently by myself (about 10 hrs) and I stick to the same places when I need to stop. Haven't stopped at a visitor center place yet and now I know I don't want to if they're going to ask how many I'm traveling with!

7 Susan said...

Next time I'm riding with you...all that fabric was fabulous...thanks for stopping by my blog. Happy Sunday. Susan

8 Peggy Lee said...

They ask you these questions when you are on your way IN to the bathroom? Don't they know when a girl's gotta go....she's GOTTA GO!!

9 Arkansas Patti said...

Well you didn't miss me by much. I do know of those poop trails, those geese are prolific poopers.
You are so right about that question. Pretty sure I'd just say I was a local with a weak bladder and hope my lie warning buzzer did't go off.

10 MARCIE said...

Sounds like you had a lovely time! And i love your Christmas cactus! I used to have one like that, but it never made it to Virginia.

11 Jody Blue said...

Who can pass up on a little fabric break! I wouldn't be comfortable advertising that I was traveling alone either.

12 FabricFascination said...

Maybe next time the attendant asks, you could say "Two, my Father and I."