Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I was thinking this kind of Make-over, but I got this one instead!

You know all those makeovers they do on television like on Oprah where someone comes on looking all frumpy and sallow and they take her backstage and put on fabulous makeup and the perfect outfit and she comes out looking like Sandra Bullock or Whitney Houston or Paula Deen?  You know those makeovers that we all wish we could be the recipient of  think are really stupid and know they won't look that way at 6:00 in the morning?  Well I had one.  Or sort of.  My blog had one.  Several of you have commented on my "new look" and isn't it just the most beautiful, serene, peaceful blog you've ever seen?  I think it is and I love it and I click on it and just look at it sometimes.  :)  And smile.  And did you notice I have a button?  I feel like a presidential contender with my own button.  You may have a copy...feel free.

Well the makeover and the button were all done by my friend Madame Samm at Sew I Quilt, which is her personal blog and is a real day brightener to read.  You should go there and follow her because, trust me, it's worth the read every time she posts.  She also manages Stash Manicure,  where she schedules 6 guest post-ers (post people?) every week who give tips and advice on managing and using all that fabric we're addicted to.  You should follow there too because you don't want to miss a day "on a accident" as my grandson would say.  :)  When you visit her tell her I said hi - she'll love that.  Even though she's a computer whiz..and I'm not, and even though she's tiny and petite..and I'm not, and even though she can still multitask..and I can't, (yes I'm jealous!) and even though she's in Canada and I'm in a different place, she's one of the blog friends I've made (and many of you know you are in this category too) that I hold in my heart and who makes me smile when I think of her.  Her enthusiasm is contagious and her sense of humor touches my funny bone.  Thank you Madame Samm...I love the blog and you, not necessarily in that order.

And yes, that picture in my header is really my view on these fall mornings.  I am truly blessed.


1 Millie said...

I love your new blogover. I like the steam under your did Samm do that? She is so talented and I start off my day visiting her blog and also checking out Stash Manicure.

2 Jacquie Wallace said...

It is beautiful...and you are blessed with a view like that!

3 Needled Mom said...

It does look beautiful!!! Good job.

4 nanny said...

I love your new is beautiful and peaceful...
It will be so great to have a place I can go that will be green!!!(in the midst of all brown here)

5 Cindy said...

I do like your new look! I still haven't found the perfect "me" look for my blog yet but it's getting there.

p.s. I'm having a cookbook giveaway at my blog if you're interested!

6 Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

What a gorgeous view you have! You are indeed blessed!!

7 Adrienne said...

Your new 'do' is wonderful! It just makes me smile and wish I could sit there with you and have a good, long chat.

well you know ! said...

ahhhh you had me at makeover lol...and yes my dear Marlene...I too love coming over here...there is something so at home is really beautiful and I treasure our new well as your blog in that order wink

9 elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Yes, beautiful makeover. I can just see myself in the header, drinking in the beauty of the moment! Can you superimpose me there?;)


10 Julie Fukuda said...

Yes indeed, this is one makeover that will not only last more than a day but give pleasure to others. I enjoy every visit as though I were sitting before that view chatting with a dear friend.
Isn't it grand to have brilliant blogger buddy? I've lost count on all the times Liz from quilterie has come to my rescue, patiently explaining the process for this or that.

11 Sandy said...

It is a gorgeous, serene blog layout, Marlene!

12 Arkansas Patti said...

With that view, stress doesn't have a chance to grow. Really nice job she did but it took your photo to make it perfect.

13 BarbCarol said...

The only thing I miss from your "frumpy" blog is the list of friends who follow your blog. I really enjoyed linking to and reading some of their blogs.

14 Vals Quilting said...

what a great makeover...koodos to you Samm also, but hey Stitching by the Lake - your image is stunning..I wouldn't change this view for the world :)
Congrats on the beautiful new makeover :)