Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Three Things I Wish Had Never Been Invented

1.  Leaf Blowers - My neighbors seem to have some sort of agreement.  One blows his leaves on Saturday and it takes him all day.  The other neighbor blows his on Sunday and it takes him all day.  Noise, constant noise, all weekend.

2.  Sagging pants - I know the history behind this style that's been so popular for years now but really, isn't it time for it to be gone? 

3.  Junk food.  All junk food.  Not just fried twinkies - though I admit I've never even had a fried one, just plenty of regular ones.  If I have it, I will eat it - you know like "if you build it they will come."  I wish there were no potato chips or onion dip, no Butterfinger candy bars, no Coca Cola or Dr. Pepper or even diet ones because they're nothing but additives and if those things and the million others like them had never been invented I would never have eaten the first one or sipped the first one and I wouldn't want them!  And I'm convinced I'd be much healthier not to mention thinner.

Anyone care to add to my list?


1 Michelle said...

I agree. Would you believe our IT guy at work dresses with his pants LOWER than that? I can't stand it either!

2 Charlene S said...

Telemarketing! They always seem to call just as I am my busiest. People wonder why we don't answer the house phone - 90% are either wrong numbers or sales calls.

3 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Last week when we were camping in a beautiful state park, this camper pulls up. A guy about 35, all by himslef gets out, opens his truck bed and gets a leaf blower out. He proceed to blow off the entire paved lot where he was going to park his RV, and then he blew off the lawn. I really wanted to stay, because his guy had to have a bad case of OCD!But we were packing up to leave.

4 Arkansas Patti said...

Wonder if he ever gets "pantsed". Guys in my day would grab his pockets, pull down and expose his weaknesses.
Think after the 1000 blessings, you ought to do a 1000 things we should do with out-- like candy bars, eating chemicals, etc. I have a few.

5 Needled Mom said...


6 Lori said...

The pants one is always been a pet peeve of mine. I work at a college and see a fair amount of this. I've warned my boss that there may come a day when I walk up behind one of these students, grab their belt loops and yank their pants up under their stinking arm pits! That might just solve my want of a change in occupation, what do you think???

Another one of mine is tops so tight and low cut you can practically see the girls belly button. Enough already! I really don't want to see your cleavage!
Ok now you've got me on a roll! :)

7 Lena . . . said...

First of all I totally agree with all your statments. Just want to let you know what an education you are - your comment about sagging pants caught my attention and I looked up the origin on the internet. I had no idea that the fad started in prison. You don't see much of that style around here in the winter due to the fact that they freeze their 'bums' off exposing their cotton drawers. I looked on YouTube for a video on sagging pants and there was one of a young man being arrested with a cop patting him down. The police officer reached around the front looking for weapons and because his pants were riding so low the police officer mistakenly grabbed the boy's private parts thinking it was a hidden weapon of some kind!! Take a look!!

8 Marge said...

I'm with you on the pants thing! And the junk food. And the comment about the tight low cut tops on girls is also right on! And I guess I'll put in a complaint about rap music, especially the filthy words raps. I can't stand that and wish that had never been invented!


9 Phyllis said...

I abhore the sagging pants! A neighborhood in Durham (lots of gang influence there) marched one day against the pants and were trying to get the message out to younger folks to set a better example. Don't know if it worked but glad there was a demonstration at least!

I haven't bought french onion dip in years. Once I have it in the house, I don't stop eating it till the container is empty!

10 Ginger Quilter said...

The guys with low, baggy pants always remind me of toddlers who are wearing soggy wet diapers! They need their mama's to take care of their hygiene!

11 Jacquie Wallace said...

I totally agree on all three!!!

12 Angie said...

I'm not so bothered about the low cut tops, but when they also have them cropped to just under the boobies so you get their belly button anyway - well it flatters very few people.

Even worse is when pregnant women do the same thing and think they look beautiful. I'm probably flying in the face of everything we're MEANT to think but I happen to think that some things are not intended for general display, much less a fashion accessory, and naked pregnant tummies is one of them.

13 Amy said...

Hear hear! I second all three...especially the baggy pants! Besides, how do they keep them up?! They look like penguins waddling around!

14 Jody Blue said...

10 years of working in a high school I saw more than my fair share of boys back sides, its is just gross. Girls change styles with the wind...the boys should take a lesson.

15 Elaine Adair said...

What fun to read the comments today. 8-)) Leaf blowers? yes I hate the noise, but we recently bought one to blow out the garage (so I can baste my quilts!) 8-))) But the noise? yuk is right.

I'm not thrilled with street lights either. Can't ever see the stars.