Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Autumn Leaves Table Runner

Saturday I went to a workshop that our guild sponsored and that was taught by one of our members (thanks Ida!).  It was for a table runner, one I've actually made before and use all the time on top of my television cabinet in the den.  I wanted another one for fall and could have made it myself since I still had the pattern but somehow I couldn't get motivated.  If I sign up for a workshop that's motivation in itself.  :)  I love the pattern and it's pretty easy if you number your pieces and put them on a design wall before you start to sew.  Otherwise it can get confusing.  It's easy to make it shorter or just adjust the  number of pieces you add onto the end.  Making it shorter can be really easy if you accidentally cut off one of the end pieces when you're trimming - ask me how I know that!  We didn't all do fall - there was a real variety of fabrics used, including Christmas.  Mine is finished and on the bar in the kitchen - yea!  It wasn't one of my UFOs - it was a NBS (Never Been Started).  :)
It's a reversible table runner too so you could actually do one season on the front and one on the back - the back is just one fabric and I used a multi-shades of brown with coffee and cappucino and latte written all over.  It uses a little bit of stash fabric too - 1/3 yd of each of the 3 on top and whatever the length is for the back.  And another good thing - the leaf fabric was a gift a couple of years ago.   :)


1 Arkansas Patti said...

Love it. Brilliant idea to make it a two season runner.

2 Marge said...

I made this one a couple of years ago for a Christmas gift, and that was the first time I really wished I had a design wall! I got so confused! But it did turn out very nice, as did yours. So, do you have a design wall?


3 molly said...

I'm suddenly very attracted to table runners---such a manageable size! Less likely to end up on the UFO pile! Yours is very nice, looks easy to do---and it's already earning its keep. Well done!

4 Needled Mom said...

Great idea and it looks wonderful.

5 Adrienne said...

I love your new table runner. I've been dreaming of slowing life a bit so I can make one. Hasn't happened yet! What is the pattern for this one?

6 Cindy said...

I'm so jealous! lol! It really is beautiful.

7 Julie Fukuda said...

Two seasons in one! Now, I really like that idea. How fun is that to have a workshop with your quilting friends! That might motivate me as well.

8 Lea and her Mustangs said...

That looks like something I might be able to do. How do you manage to write a blog at 5 AM? I am still sound asleep.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to have the pattern. I like that it is adjustable because most of the time, I don't have the leaf in my table and so need a shorter runner.
Mama Bear

10 Carrie P. said...

Very pretty. I like the pattern