Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

One Thousand Blessings - Day 14

465.  Pizza with grandchildren
466.  Teenage church choirs
467.  Zebra fabric
468.  The sound of the wind in the trees outside my window
469.  The sound of rain on the deck
470.  Scarecrows
471.  M & Ms....any color
472.  Creamy Pumpkin Wallflowers by Bath and Body Works
473.  Old friends
474.  Oreo cookies
475.  Plumbers who show up quickly
476.  McDonald's Playland
477.  Reading glasses
478.  Other people who make lists like me
479.  A clean house
480.  Seasonal dish towels
481.  Quilt magazines
482.  Books on prayer that don't use guilt as a tool to help you pray more
483.  A crisp salad
484.  Children with braces
485.  Baby quilts
486.  Plants that bloom even when neglected
487.  The homes we grew up in
488.  Quiet country cemetaries
489.  Snow capped mountains in the distance
490.  The sound of ocean waves hitting shore
491.  Owls that hoot in the early mornings
492.  Chipmunks that scamper in my yard gathering nuts
493.  People who rake their yards instead of blowing the leaves off
494.  The scent of oranges
495.  Steel cut oats
496.  Hats on cold days
497.  The sight of a cross where you least expect it
498.  Memories of friends gone on ahead
499.  Circle skirts
500.  The sound a child makes when he's trying to sound like a car


1 Cindy said...

I enjoyed your ongoing list. It's always fun to read and is a good reminder for me to think about all those little blessings in my life too.

2 Julie Fukuda said...

Ah, yes. I was expecting those oreo cookies. Enjoy those all you can! (as long as you have those lovely kids around to help eat them.)

3 Arkansas Patti said...

Hay, you are half way home. I am so impressed yet realize if we all took time to look around, we would have so many things to be grateful for. Thanks.
479. A clean house
Why is it that no one drops in to visit right after you clean instead, they come right before you should?

4 Jacquie Wallace said...

Another great list. I love the scent of anything "autumn"...especially pumpkin.

5 Joy said...

Wow .... we take so much for granted!! I particularly like 471 ;o).
Joy :o)

6 Lena . . . said...

I love these entries. They make me aware of things I should be grateful for also. Thanks for the reminders.