Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Fall Into Fall Giveaway

It's time ya'll - it's October 15 and time to announce the winner!!!  In my blog I told you someone would win this:
I added a few things to it....

I've included a copy of "my" book (it's a collection of short stories about quilters and I wrote one of the stories!), a pumpkin table mat pattern and 4 spools of thread for stitching it, a pink wool needle keep I made, a kit for some wool Christmas ornaments, a pattern for a very quick quilt from Fancy Girl Designs, a Schnibbles pincushion I made, a sweet little quilt stencil and 4 notecards that the receiver can plant - they have flower seeds in them!  That should sweeten the purse a little.  :) 

And now for the winner - I had my husband pick a number and he chose #113.  Wouldn't you know it - now I have to count down the comments all the way to 115.  :)  And the winner is:

Cindy at Kitsune Quilts - congratulations!  Cindy I've e-mailed you so be looking for it.  If you don't get it please e-mail me (address on my profile) so I can get your information.


1 Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Congrats, Cindy! What a lucky winner you are~

2 Arkansas Patti said...

Congrats Cindy. What a treasure for a quilter. Enjoy.

3 Maggey and Jim said...

Congrats to the winner, she's a lucky girl..

4 Cindy F said...

Wow! I'm so excited!! I can't believe I won, I never win!! Thank you so much for the giveaway! I can't wait to see the goodies arrive in the mail! Thanks again!!

5 Jody Blue said...

Congratulations! What a sweet fall gift.

6 Marie Rayner said...

Congrats to your lucky winner Marlene! I'll see what I can do about a card for you! xxoo

7 Tracy P. said...

Yea for Cindy! :-)

8 Marge said...

I also used those two fabrics, along with a few more, to make a tote bag! Mine went to one of my grand daughters. Congrats to Cindy on her win!

9 Adrienne said...

Congratulations to Cindy. What a fun give-away.

10 nanny said...

Congrats Cindy......

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for hosting the giveaway!!

Congratulations Cindy!!!

Ann Flowers