Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Update On Blessing Number 464

Lest any of you be worried about how Christensen Wholesale got my name and address "by mistake" - they didn't.  It was me all the time!  (If this makes no sense to you, read the post below.)  This is the way it happened.  Over at Stash Manicure I won some Bliss fat quarters by Moda for agreeing to be a guest poster.  That looks funny doesn't it?  Not the kind of poster that goes on the wall, the kind that writes.  Anyway, Madame Samm told me I won and I was thrilled.  In a separate e-mail where we were exchanging information about the post I was going to write (October 21st, look for it ya'll) she mentioned the win again (or so I thought).  I had given her my address for the Bliss but I gave it to her again so I would be sure she had it - I wanted that Bliss!  What I didn't realize was that I'd won a second time....sort of.  I didn't really but my name and address went to Riley Blake Designs by mistake and they honored the mistake and sent me the fabric!  It's not often you see such nice people like that ya'll.  Madame Samm at Stash Manicure is just the sweetest thing.  If you haven't started reading that blog you really should - it has some great guest posters with information about stash busting that really makes sense.  And you should also go look at Riley Blake Designs too.  She not only has beautiful fabric but crocheted flowers, zippers by the yard, luscious ric-rac and all kinds of patterns, including the cutest kids clothing I've ever seen.  I keep telling people I didn't used to be a blonde (no offense intended!), but sometimes I am kind of ditzy.  It's because my memory doesn't keep up with my mind.  My memory seems to be in slow motion and my mind just races on ahead without it.  I don't exactly know when that started happening but if I slow down enough maybe I'll remember.  :)


1 Michelle said...

You make me smile EVERY time you post. God loves you, and so do I. Now go enjoy that fabric!

2 Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I believe that we're in the same club! Fun, huh?

3 Sparky said...

I could not have said it funnier, wittier or sew that is the story and we will both stick to it..
piece be with you sweetie.
madame samm

4 Julie Fukuda said...

I think that is so funny!
How quickly you put all the puzzle pieces together!
Now your fans out here in Blogland are waiting to see what happens to the fabric.

5 Jody Blue said...

How sweet you got the bonus...with out the entry kinda like answer with out really asking:)

6 FabricFascination said...

Thanks for the Riley Blake link. She has some really cool tutorials like this one for a zipper flower: