Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

This Is The Day…

This is the day that, 46 years ago, I said “I do”.  I didn’t have a clue what that meant – I was far too young to realize that it meant way more than love.  It meant love for sure, but it also meant days when the dirty diapers, the piled up bills, the unmade beds, the exhausting nights with throwing up babies, the misunderstandings and the crying kids swallowed up the memories of why I was saying I do!  After the ups and the downs of life I’ve learned that love isn’t just a feeling, it’s a decision.  It was the best decision I ever made and I’d make the same one again.  So what do you think we did to celebrate those 46 years?
First we walked.  IMG_0805 We walked 2.4 miles to be exact.  He listened to a sports talk show on his radio and I listened to a book on my IPod.  Sometimes we took off the earphones and talked.  Not much talking though.
Then, after we showered and dressed, we went to the doctor.  co-surgeons It wasn’t quite this drastic but it’s a cute picture, don’t you think?  Together we went to the doctor.  Same room, same time.  He said, she said.  No secrets.  It’s too late for secrets after 46 years.
Remember this – that I bought on Monday?  2010_gmc_acadia_20301276-E[2] As we left home this morning a light came on.  It’s a new car so it’s bound to have a few glitches.  I know that.  I understand that.  We dropped by the dealers to get it checked.  Three hours later they gave it back to us and told us to come back tomorrow.  It has a wire that isn’t connected or is pinched or whatever.  They have to “follow” it and it’s complicated and they need to keep it a while.  They need to keep it the better part of the day.  And I’m ok with all of that.  But we spent three hours of our anniversary sitting in the “lounge” of the dealership. 
Next – back to the Floor Store where we returned all of the samples I had gotten earlier in the week.  Rejected samples.  Didn’t keep any of them.  I can’t do tile – it’s cold and hard and it’s not me.  I didn’t like the laminate.  We can’t afford wood.  We’re looking at LVT – Luxury Vinyl Tile that looks like laminate to me but isn’t.  It’s really not that important; it’s just a floor.
Outback….dinner…steak…shrimp…good food, good company, just him and me.
Last?  Home, where I baked these for him to take to the deer camp with him tomorrow.  I’m on a diet.  I can’t eat these pies even though I want to.  But I baked them.  Why?  Because 46 years later I’m still saying I do and still having good days even when they’re like today.  And I'd happily say I Do all over again for 46 more years.  :)


1 BROOKE said...

Your post really touched me. It's been a rough week and next week is our 14th anniversary. Saturday we will witness one of my younger cousins get married and will be staying with my brother and his fiancee who plan to marry next year.

2 Adrienne said...

Happy anniversary to you and your hubby! You are extra-ordinary people these days - here's to many more!

3 Janet said...

Happy Anniversary!! It was a lovely post. I so agree--marriage is a committment. Some days are harder than others. I have been so hungry for pumpkin pie--you are really strong not to have had a piece. It is healthy you know--Vitamin A.

4 Unknown said...

Congratulations on your 46th anniversary. We celebrated our 40th in August!

Last October we bought a new Chevrolet Traverse. It had a problem, too, and had to be kept overnight. Some wiring or something was loose, and they figuered it out and fixed it. The back windshield wiper would come on and the doors couldn't be unlocked from the inside. Haven't had a problem since then.

About floors . . . our church is putting porcelain tile in Fellowship Hall, and it will have two coats of sealer on top. There was a sample of it at our last business meeting, and I meant to look at it as I've never seen any. I'm church clerk and do the minutes and totally forgot about the sample when church was over. The old flooring is up, but installation hasn't started yet of the new stuff. I hope it won't be slick.

Bow season for deer is now open here. DSIL and one of sons do that. I would rather look at them.

Hope they fix your soon and take care :)

5 Lindah said...

Happy, happy Anniversary! And many more!
Growing old together is a gift. (I can say that because I'm older than you.) :-)

6 Michelle said...

I'm a day late, but Happy Anniversary!!!!

7 QuiltSue said...

Happy Anniversary. Your thoughts about "I Do" were lovely.

As for tiles, a couple of years ago I went through the same decisions. We finally went for a porcelain tile which is textured, and treated during the manufacture so it's non-slip, in the conservatory. Wet grandsons and puppy made that decision for me. It is non-slip too. Then in the kitchen I had a vinyl tile which is easy to look after and surprisingly warm underfoot. The rest had to be carpet, cos I like carpet!

8 Peggy Lee said...

A very HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you and your husband! Congratulations for staying together when so many marriages are failing today.

I couldn't agree with you more about the "coldness" of a tile floor. I've never cared for them. Don't give up on the Luxury Vinyl Tile option. My mother is putting it in her bedroom. She showed me a piece of it and I really liked it.

9 Tracy P. said...

Happy Anniversary, Marlene! 46 years--how wonderful. You committed to a life, not a wedding. Sounds like you had a lot of normal life on your anniversary. So here's what I'd like to know. What did the last four months of serving together do for your marriage? Obviously it pales in comparison to 46 years, but it took you out of your normal routines. Just curious. That's the sort of thing I imagine us doing in our retirement. My husband loves to be useful.

10 Arkansas Patti said...

Happy, Happy 46th. Beautiful post that shows some of the difficult along with the great.
Love the "no secrets" and the comfort of your companionship-- still ruled by love.
Well done.

11 Marge said...

Oh, 1964 was a very good year! In ten days we celebrate our anniversary.....also the 46th! We have had the tough times too, but I would do it again in a minute! And the day after our anniversary is our daughter and SIL's 26th anniversary. So October is a good month!

Happy anniversary and many more!


12 Amy said...

Happy Anniversary!!! You are such an inspiration to the rest of us who are thinking "How are we gonna make to anniversary #3?!"

13 Cindy said...

Such a sweet post. My hubby and I celebrated 32 years this year and I'm looking forward to many more.

14 Kathy - mom of many said...

Happy Anniversary! Not such a bad way to spend the least Outback was in the plans.

15 Memaw's memories said...

Congratulations on your anniversary, and you are a good woman/wife to bake those pies when you can't have a slice.

16 Pauline said...

Congratulations on 46 years!

It sounds like you had the perfect day together- even those 3 hours spent in the dealership!

BTW- parts of my body starting falling when I was pregnant- don't tell me they're gonna fall further! Thanks for sharing this little wisdom of what else I have to look forward to!

17 Weatherbee ;) said...

Happy Anniverary. What a wonderful post. My husband and I just had our 7 year anniversary and were THRILLED that we got to go to dinner (alone) together. Nothing big and fancy, just dinner without kids was nice to get a word in. :)

Congratulations on what sounds like a lovely 46 years.

~Teresa :)

18 Phyllis said...

Happy anniversary! Quite a milestone!!

19 FabricFascination said...

Sweet post of the everyday loveliness of just being together. I am very thankful for my husband/friend (24 years) too.

Happy Anniversary!

20 Cornfield Quilter said...

Happy Anniversary to you! My husband and I have alot of days like you did and they are the ones I love the best. Just hanging out together and doing normal stuff. Life if good!

21 Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Happy Anniversary! I'd do it all over again too, 34 years later for me. I often wonder "how did I get so lucky?", knowing full well I wasn't smart enough at 22 years of age to know what I was doing!! ;)

22 Janet said...

Wonderful, touching post! Congratulations!

23 Pokey said...

Love is grand, and marriage is wonderful when it's to your best friend! So happy for your 46 years-
Happy Anniversary!

24 Julie Fukuda said...

Belated happy anniversary! I remember the year well. We had the Olympics in Tokyo, a typhoon, and an earthquake ... all about that time and there was a water shortage as well. Had to fetch water from a truck with a bucket and then half of it slopped out on the legs carrying it home!
Sometimes things get better with time!

25 Sandy said...

Happy Belated Anniversary....we are married 42 so I understand everything you wrote! We are comfortable and it's great.

26 Jacquie said...

I hope you had a Happy Anniversary! 46 is amazing!!

You spent your anniversary just like you've spent your life...filled with the things of everyday. It may not be glamorous, but that's what the blessings of your life have been all about.