Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Update on Previous Post

The other day, October 16 to be exact, I posted a question or three for you to answer.  If you missed it it's here.   Charlene S at  Geema's Wanderings said "If I could leap the tallest building, I wouldn't waste my time doing it. But leaping across the United States Quilt Shop to Quilt Shop would be a shop hop to remember."  Now that's a woman after my own heart!  I'm going to be sending Charlene a little gift.  Which I will make when I get home from babysitting with grandchildren.  As soon as I scrape the Oreo Cookie out of my hair and the Chicken Noodles off my sneakers and get the rollers out of my hair and the finger nail polish off my elbows.  They don't expect me to keep the house picked up, right?  Just make sure the children survive, right?

Edit:  It is the morning.  Early morning.  The two year old keeps crying for his mother.  The four year old insists on wearing plastic high heels across the laminate floor.  The eight year old wants to play school and wants the two little ones to march in line whether or not they want to.  And the toilets are overflowing.  I'm not kidding.


1 Michelle said...

Have a wonderful time. I hope the kids don't get too tired taking care of you! ;-p

2 Arkansas Patti said...

Congrats to Charlene and what a good use of a super power.
I hear Oreo Cookie is good for the texture of you hair. Hang in there and enjoy.

3 Cindy said...

That's right. Your job is to keep the children out of harm's way. You can't be expected to do any more than that! lol

4 Unknown said...

Have fun and enjoy them. They will be grown in the blink of an eye! :)

5 Angie said...

Such energy you grandmas have!

6 Needled Mom said...

Your own bed will feel awfully good! Grandmas can appreciate all of the antics of childhood in a different light. Hang in there.

7 Amy said...

Yeah, but I bet they're having a great time with their grandmother!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun!
I looked at the questions and I have to say, if I could fly, I'd be visiting my Texas grandchildren more often. If I was strong enough to bend bars, I'd move the furniture around to see how I like it in other Mother and us girls used to do that quite I have back issues and my husband would flip out if he came home and the furniture had been moved.
Enjoy yourself!
Mama Bear

9 Charlene S said...

Oh, thank you for the gift. Actually, blogging gives me the power to visit many places in a short time. I make new friends and am inspired by their works. Superman didn't have that power. Being a grandmother means you get to do what you want - spoil the kids. If they wanted a housekeeper, then they should have hired one giving you more time to enjoy your grandkids. Enjoy - mine are growing up.

10 Jody Blue said...

Enjoy it sounds like you will have your hands full!

11 Lena . . . said...

That's the best chuckle I've had in a long time. I can just see you with all the "extra apparatus" on your sneakers, elbows and in your hair. What wonderful stories you'll have to tell when you get home.

12 Sandy said...

God Bless you, Grandma! I will say a little prayer for you....and the toilets! Have fun.

13 Pokey said...

Ah, LIFE...enjoy the babies!