Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A UFO Challenge

We've got this UFO challenge going on in my quilt guild.  We have to make a list of our UFOs and turn it in.  Every time we show 2 finished UFOs in the Show and Tell section of the meeting we get to pick a gift out of a basket of quilt type things.  And every time we show a finished UFO we get to put our name in a jar for a drawing that will take place next August.  The grand prize gift is a HUGE basket filled with fabric, patterns, notions, maybe even chocolate.  Or maybe I'm just hoping for chocolate.  The goal is to get lots of finished UFOs to show in our biannual quilt show next September.  I kind of misunderstood and turned in a list of 10 UFOs.  I thought 10 was all you could put on your list.  Really I did think that.  I'm sure someone told me that.  Or I dreamed it.  Anyway, we're not limited to 10 so I'm redoing my list.  Uh Oh.  I'm not sure Word will number that far.  I actually have finished two but I only showed one because I didn't want to show off.  Pride goeth before a fall you know.  Well, no that's not right.  I showed both but I didn't put both on the list.  Whatever.  This one:
is my favorite.  I love this redwork snowman - hand embroidery I might add.  I made a small wallhanging for this winter when things are drab and dark outside.  I don't think you can see it but I quilted (machine) stars in the border and stippled the white background.  He'll brighten things up a bit I bet.
And this one:

is my favorite.  Oops, I said that already.  But it's true - they're both my favorites.  I'm a mother so I learned how to do that a long time ago - have multiple favorites I mean.  This little Christmas mouse, which I showed you when I did the hand embroidery I think, I made into a bag.  It will make a cute "wrapping" for some Christmas candy or cookies I think.  Did you notice that I said hand embroidery twice?  I'm not bragging, I'm just sayin'.


1 Elora said...

You make such lovely things, Marlene! How they do brighten a day! You're so talented! You make me wish I'd grown up to be a quilter! And even though I'm dedicated to my handspinning and wool-crafts, you're handiwork sings in my heart!

Thank you for what you share!

2 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Ooooo! So pretty! I just love pretty little bags that can be used over and over again. A beautiful job with hand embroidery. :)
xx, shell

3 Michelle said...

Love your embroidery and lovely little bags. I hope you win that big box of stuff...and CHOCOLATE!

Have a wonderful weekend!

4 Needled Mom said...

That is such a great idea! My list would be way too long too.

5 Alice Grace said...

Redwork is my very favorite! That is so beautiful!
Come on over and visit my blog, I am doing a giveaway!

6 Mrs. Goodneedle said...

They can both be your favorites... like children, you know, they're all our favorites. Well done. UFO lists make me nervous, I refuse to participate in making one of those.

7 Mary L. Briggs said...

I love your redwork, Marlene! I'm already feeling a little bit Christmasy and it fits right in! I need to get to work on some projects. Your idea of a bag for cookies or candies just might inspire me to get started!

8 grandmarockton said...

Both would be my favorites, TOOOOOOOOO! Very cute cause the mouse is in my UFO's could you send me your and I'll send mine???

9 Marilyn Robertson said...

What a neat way to get motivated to finish up your UFO's! Your redwork is beautiful!